The name's Sherman a.k.a. The Sherm, Red Elk, Naked Mole Rat, and the list goes on. I run a company called Ad Craft. If you call me while I'm at work I'll probably have a "small crisis to deal with" and I'll have to call you back. When I'm not at work I work on motorcycles.
I'm also the team manager and chief mechanic for a CMRA motorcycle road racing team known as Backmarker Racing (aka:BMR). I drag the team's trailer to each event and spend my time running around yelling at people, fixing generators, and stopping for an occasional smoke.
If you sleep in the trailer I must warn you, There is a significant chance you will encounter the Morning Hump. And if not, you will definitely see something you don't want to.
Oh, and if you leave the door open for more than 1.6 seconds I will probably go buck wild. See, what tears me down about it is I spend all my time fixing the generator and getting the place nice and cool inside when it is 110 degrees outside.
Then one of little punks on the team goes in the trailer and leaves the d*mn door open! ARRRRGH! Meanwhile, the temperature has risen at least 10 degrees inside.