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Gett L!ke M3!!

About Me

Myspace LayoutsLayout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace LayoutsU WaNnA JoCk mE?? oH iM fLaTtErEd* *U WaNnA DiS mE n tHiNk oHh sHeS sHaTtErEd* *NaAhH ByT*h uR jUs jEaLoUs oF mY TeChNiQuE* *AnD uR jUs WiShiN U wErE nEaRLy aS uNiQue*My name is . Alexis Dont get it --- Twisted!! --- i am 15yrs old and is in the tenth grade... i am 100% asian. Pure blood THAI.. (from Thailand) i am adopted . I was born in thailand && brought in2 this country && lived in New York, North Carolina and now in Ohio.I'm a sophomore @ amherst which i k!nda l!keI'm a MILITARY Brat. .My dad iz in the Coast Gaurd so we move every 4 years or soooo im a very quiet gurl when u meet me but i'm--- very crazii if u really kno me i doze off && don't pay attention a lot of the times. .. i like 2 go barefoot but- i'm obsessed with timberlands.&& above naval jackets. If u treat me l!ke crap i can rec!pr!cate!!! I dont get sick over doctor shows..i think its neat. Boys-- hear me on this i will watch sport wit u...i like football and basketball and MAYBE baseball depends on the mood...also..iwill not watch golf or soccer tho!!! I am ALWAYS cold i am never warm!! umm...i hate being outside!!!Especcially when it's mucky out(well who does??) I guess u could say i don't mind creepie crawlers..like spiders don't bother me or bees or worms but snakes do--i guess? i don't like gum..SRRYY!! I can't stay in 1 placei have a good stomach, i am not tenderheaded i am single and wish i were in a relationship . i cry easily over enything even a music video--- lol sometimes if i like a guy i let to much go and let my guard down which isn't good I think everyone deserves a second chance, and a third chance, and a 100th chance. You never know when they really do want to change. I am not in a relationship cause it's so hard to find boys that are appealing to me I'm not into the big things but then i kinda am.. boyz now a days are just not what they used to b..sometimes i think they don't care about u as much as the girls do but then again i'm only thinking this because this is what i've been around i love meeting new people. i love doing pageants. i was offered to do the miss ohio teen pageant and the miss hawaiin tropic. .I'm very clumsy.--- i don't not get frustrated easily but when i do i get really madi'mproud to be different....thats what makes me unique..either hate it or love it...any questions or send email or comment for ma cell It iz wat it iz and dat means u ain't on my level, thanx 4 stoppin thru..now BOUNCE".---
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Myspace Layouts *BeFoRe u JuDgE Me . .TaKe a GooD LoOk aT u.. dOnT u HaVe aNytHiNg BeTTa tO dO.. sEeMz 2 Me uR a LiL sLoW 2 uNdAStAnD.. -iGnOrAnCe n JeALoUsY- Go HaNd iN HaNd.. GeT It sTrAiGhT..*

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

enybuddy that wants to meet me...real... and i am single--(hint hint) lolz....I Would love to meet CIARA melissa ford prince and lloyd banks.john legend.juelz santana. thatsz my husband!!!!!!and the Gotti Brothers!!Me N My GuRLz DoNt GoTa mAKe iT LiKe A hOe---We JuSt SiT BaK 'N' aTtRaCt ThE gUyS LiKe *WHOA* A KiSs iS a SeCrEt ToLd To ThE LiPs--NoT tHe EaR GoD MaDe ThE LaNd, GoD mAdE tHe SeA, He NeEdEd SoMeThIn SeXi, So ThEn hE mAdE mE CrAzY NiTeS - iNsAnE gRo0vEs bLaZiN cLoThEs - SeXy MoVeS NeVa FaKe - aLwAyS tRuE tO aLL mY FRiEnDz - i LoVe UNOW n FOREVER ...CuTe...SwEeT...SeXi...bLaZiN... HoW cUd OnE cHiK bE sO aMaZiN? .*.ThIs Iz Da NaMe U wOnT 4GeT.*. .*.CuZ iM dA Qt YoU NoE u SwEaT.*. tO aLL dA hOeZ hOo CaNt CoMpArE... nO1 SeD LiFe wAs FaIr! *I cAn MakE yA sTuDdA wHeN u CaLl MaH nAmE* *CoZ eVeRy FeLLaZ hOoKeD iN tHiS hOtTiEs GaMe* *iDoLiZeD oR dEsPiSeD* ....EiThEr WaY.... *iM gEtTiN rEcOnIzEd* íf ù évér cóùntéd thé stàrs àt níté ù'd c hów màny dàys íd wàít ² hóld ù títé LeT tHa hOeS cHaSe uM cOz iLL jUs RePLaCe uM! My sTyLe iZ ¹ oF a KiNd eAsY ² jOcK bUt iMpOSibLe ² rOcK iTz jUs iNsAnE frUm HeAd ² tOe JuS GoTa UnDaStAnD i GoT HoTt AzZ FLoW Da ...1 ThInG iVe LeArNd In LiFe... ...u DoNt HaVe 2 ChAnGe PeOpLe... ...u JuS hAfTa x-CePt DaT pEoPLe ChAnGe... WuT dO yOu Do WeN yO hEaRt BeAtZ fO tWo? ChOoSe Da OnE dAt YoU LoVe? oR dA oNe DaT LoVeZ yOu? - No DoUbT My GaMe iZ TyTe - GoT ThUGz WaNiN Me DaY & NyTe - - Born 2 b Bytchy Taught 2 B Frisky iM sLiM iN dA wAsTe PrEtTy iN dA fAcE MaKiN aLL tHe HoTtIeS WaNt a LiL tAsTe itS nOt EaSy BeinG mE BuT iTs FuNnY wAtChinG pEoPlE tRy oPeN Ur MoUtH,StIcK OuT uR tOuNgE TaKe a LiL tAsTe aNd LeTs HaVe SuM FuN WhiLe oThAz bLeNd iN 2 tHe BaCkRoUnD i pReFeR 2 mAkE a ScEnE ThErEs 2 TyPeS Of GrEaT pArTieS ThOsE U NeVa 4get aNd ThOsE U CaNt EvEn ReMeMbEr CaLi gYrLz aRe PrEtTy BoStOn GyRlZ aRe SmArT BuT iT tAkEz A NeW yOrK GyrL tO wIn A gUyZ hEaRt PeRFeCtiOn iSn'T An AcCiDeNt...My OnLy CoMpEtiTiOn iS ThE MiRRoR A GoOd gUrL Is hArD tO FiNd but A bAd gUrL iS hArd to ReSiSt i'M nOt SmiLiN At u! i'M TrYiN nOt 2 LauGh! X- SeXy LiL ChiC -X (( TiTe JeAnZ - CuRvY HiPz )) -No ThUg CaN ReSiSt- .*.BaNgIn sTyLe.*. .*.sExY sMiLe.*. .*.MaKiN bOyZ gO BuCkWiLd.*. GeT iT ToGeThA .Or FoRgEt iT FoReVa. *yOu AcTiN LyK i CaNt GeT WhOeVa* iM SwEeT_PeTiTe_BOuT FiVe FeeT .Da CuTeSt Sh0rTi YoOz WiLL eVa MeeT. LoVe iZ LiKe QuiCkSanD dA DeEpEr u FaLL iN iT ThA HaRdA iT iZ 2 GeT OuT Ur HuGz N KiSsEz R LiKe ThE StArZ U LiTe Up mY LiFe wHeN tHiNgZ gEt DaRk iM DoNe WiT aLL dA sTrEsSiN iM SiCk Of Da ImPrESiN iF yOu WaNt It CuM aNd GeT iT cUz NoW iM dOwN fOr MeSSiN iM nOt a FLiRt iM jUs MaDd FrIeNdLy .·*TiTe AzZ- HiGh CLaSs- SiCk StYLe- SeXy sMiLe*·. .·*jUiCy LiPz- SeXy THiGhS- BaNGiN bOoTy- biG bRoWn EyEz*·. 7 DaIz WiThOuT mE mAkEs OnE wEaK iM nOt A bAd GiRL iM jUsT a GoOd GiRL CoRrUpTeD By bAd ThInGs »¦«·.iM aDdIcTeD tO jUs a FeW tHiNgS.·»¦« »¦«·.uR sMiLe.uR LaF.uR eYeZ.·»¦« »¦«·.AnD.... UhHh.... YoO.·»¦« ..Were LoOKiN HoT.. ..LoOKiN NiCe.. MaKin tha FeLLaS º¨*:·.×LoOk TWiCE×.·:*¨º DiCe GaMeS_iCeD ChAiNs DiS mAmI'z WaY OuTtA YoUr pRiCe RaNgE i DoNt WaNt DiAmOnDs oR pEaRLz DoNt TrY tO gIvE mE tHe WoRLd i JuSt wAnT SoMeOnE tO LoVe Me AnD CaLL mE ThEiR -BaByGiRL- AlL u GiRlS SwEaT MaH LoOk CuZ WaT i GoT iS OfF Da HoOk CLuBs .. i RoCk ThAt DiAmOnDz .. i WeAr ThAt BoYz .. i HiT ThAt Ma HeArT.. SoRry CaNt ToUcH ThAt sEXy lil ShOrTii aS cUTe aS cAn bE nOt eVEn *jA rULe* cAn pUt iT oN mE BaBy i KnO u WaNt mE sO i SuGgEsT u TaKe a LoTtA sLeEpIn PiLLz CoZ tHe oNLy WaY iD gEt wIt YaH iS iN YaH dReAmZ! iM SwEeT aS HeAvEn HoT aS HeLL ThE FiNeSt LiL GiRL As YoU CaN TeLL If pAyBaCk iS A ByTcH & ReVeNgE Is sWeEt tHeN Im the sWeEtEsT BytCh u wiLl eVr mEeT! i MaY bE bAd bUt At LeAsT iM pErFeCtLy GoOd At iT! *mY sTyLe'S sO uNiQuE* *iT's SuMtHiNg u wanna StReSs* *HoW qUiCkLy i CaN mAkE* *ThE fYnEsT MeN get uNdReSsEd* | By DaY | SwEeT HuNi | By NiTe | PLayBoY BuNi iM ThA PiMPStReSs of diZ naUghTy NaTioN PLayiN DeM PiMPz 4 My ReLaXaTioN MakiN DeM FeeL aLL thoZe sEXy SeNsaTionZ whiLe TheY BreAtHe My ViBRatioNZ anD i BeCoMe TheiR inSpiRatiOn deRe wOnT bE DuPLiCaTiOn CoZ iM ThA bESt oF thiZ GenERatiOn -iM 1oO% pUrE jOy- -JuS LyKe A pAgE oUtTa PlAyBoY- *iF bEiN SeXi Iz A cRiMe* *ThEn mE n My CrEw WiLL Be DoiN TiMe* u SaY u AiN't a HoE AigHt nO dOuBt NeXt TiMe u WaNNa SaY DaT DuN 4GeT 2 WiPe uR MoUtH sToP CaLLiN dA NuMbAz iN uR MaNs PoCkEtS mY FoNe iS RiNGiN *-_oFF dA HoOk_-* ||* I'm iRrSsiStiBLe.. NoN cOmPeTibLe *|| ||* nOt SaYiN i'M tHe BeSt.. i'M jUsT iNcReDiBLe*|| ..BaBy BoY iM dIgGiN YoO.. ..CuZ u MakE mE WaNNa dO aLL TheM ThiNgZ.. ..i WaS TAuGhT i WaSnT SuPPoSeD 2.. LuCiOuS LiPs N bIg BrOwN EyEz GoRgEoUs HaIr & BaNgIn ThIgHs BaBy u KnO fRuM dA bOtToM tO dA tOp tHiS cHiX hOtTnEsS iS * N o N . S t O p * ...SPeaK wEn Ur sPOkEn 2 N OnLy WiT PerMisSioN... ...CuZ wEn *I* tALk bYtCh U BeTtA ListeN... 2 DiFfErEnT GiRLs WiTh SiMiLaR FaCeS In EaCh OtHeRs HeArTs BuT iN DiFfErEnT pLaCeS aLwAyZ b A 1sT RaTe VeRsiOn oF uRsELf InStEaD oF a 2nD RaTe VeRsiOn oF sOmE1 eLsE DoNt uPsEt mE iM rUnNiNg OuTtA pLaCeS tO hIdE tHe BoDiEz OnE gOLdEn RuLe tO LiVe bY aNd kEeP uS giRLs oN tRacK nEvEr LuV a pLaYa cUz hE'LL nEvEr LuV u BaCk !!!


I like all types of music! I don't discriminate! I LOVE MY IPOD!!!!!! it aint ever off my ears..! A little bit of techno, r n b,rap T.I, tpain three 6 mafia, ciara, Chamilitary!!, juelz santana, ne-yo, chris brown, omarion, cassie, rihanna, jibbs, cherish, youngbloodz, lil jon, The game, 50 cent, dem franchize boyz, danity kane, kanye west, pharrell, john legend, prince,lloyd,--i listen to pretty much every rapper and rnb singer out there..
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...I loved the lake house.collaterall,unbreakable topgun,saw 3,hostage. broken bridges the departed inside man little man click white chicks phonebooth step up final destination 3 memoirs of a geisha the devil weaRS prada insomnia the notebook pay it forward gettin palyed


Run's House Adventures in Hollyhood BASKETBALL- love it! i like the Cavs of course but i really like the Denver Nuggets..i also like anything related to the dukes of hazzard,,,,..i kno--corny!! but they are hilarious!! my wife and kids i love the sopranos!!! mmmmm..i love new york..charm school--


my goal thisz year iz to read-- a classic like something like "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens..(I think thatz the author???) but i am reading "To kill a mockingbird) but i like to read the newspapers and magazinessss--does that count??
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Anna Alexis Lajavic
Birthday:: November 7 91
Birthplace:: Thailand
Eye Color:: Dark brown like black
Hair Color:: black
Height:: 5 imma shorty
Weight:: 100
Right handed or Left handed?: left
Your Heritage:: asian
My Worst Habit:: twirling hair
Zodiac Sign:: scorpio
Shoe Size:: 5-6
Pants Size:: 0
Innie or Outie?: huh?? i think as in terms of belly button-imma an innie
Parents Still Together?: yup
The Shoes You Wore Today:: black flip flops
Your Weakness:: cry to easily
Your Fears:: the dark ocean
Your Perfect Pizza:: just cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: read alot
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: dont do aim
Thoughts First Waking Up:: wat am i doing today?
Your Best Physical Feature:: u tell me
Your Bedtime:: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: 8 th grade
Favorite color?: purple
Food?: mac and cheese
Sport?: basketball
Animal?: tiger
Ice Cream?: french vanilla
Candy?: reeses
Store?: Debs whetever thas cute
Salad Dressing?: hmm?? dunno whatever
Actor?: mel gibson Adam sandler
Song?: lotsz i aint gon name them
Letter?: A
Number?: 15`
Gum?: i dont like gum-sorry
Holiday?: Christmas and birthday--DUH!!
Season?: fall
Toothpaste Flavor?: vanilla
Radio Station?: i dont really listen to the radio--
Perfume?: clinique
Scent besides perfume?: dunno??`
Body part on the opposite sex?: u kno...-- : )
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: military and a video jockey
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep and real fast!!!
Turn ons:: huh?
Turn offs:: people that mumble under their voice!!
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: hannah
Who's The Loudest?: me!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Actually my mom does!!!
Who Have You Known The Longest?: dunno i move very often
Who's The Shyist?: nobody!!
When Have You Cried The Most?: cant say
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: knowing that you have accomplished something you've wnated accomplished
Worst Feeling?: doing something GRIMEY and SHADY even tho u kno itsz wrong
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: NYC
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: dunno
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: hopefully til like 87
Let's walk on the: streets of NYC
Let's look at the: big building there!! lolz
What a nice: looking guy!!!!
Where did all the: people go?
Why can't we: live forever?`
Silly, little: hoe!
Isn't it weird that: dlkjsdlf;jasl;fjd
Never under any circumstance: should you ever lie!
I wish: ksdjfckjsdfcjm
Everyone has a: secret
I am: the coolest sweetest funnest person you'll ever meet
Been In Love?: yea
Been To Juvie?: nope
Mooned Someone?: naw
Been Rejected?: dunno
Ran Away From Home?: no but thought about it but i was stupid to ever think like that
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yea?!?!?
Skipped School?: naw
Thought About Suicide?: no!!
Slept Outside?: yea!! on a trampolina and camping
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yea
Cried In School?: yea
Thrown Up In School?: no
Wanted To Be a Model?: no
Cheated On Someone?: no
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yea
Seen A Dead Body?: yea
Been Bitched Out?: no but by my mom..lol
Drank Alcohol?: yea
Smoked?: yea
Been On Drugs?: no
Eaten Sushi?: yea
Been On Stage?: yea
Gone Skinny Dipping?: in the shower
Shoplifted?: yea
Been Drunk?: naw
Been Called A Tease?: i dunno
Been Beaten Up?: naw
Swear?: no--seriously i dont!!
Sing Well?: nope
Shower Daily?: yup
Want To Go To College?: yess
Want To Get Married?: yes
Believe In Yourself?: yes
Get Motion Sickness?: yea
Think You Are Attractive?: i guess?
Get Along With Your Parents?: yess
Like Thunderstorms?: no
Play An Instrument?: did-clarinet
Own An IPOD?: yess
Pray?: when needs to
Go To Church?: did
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: did
Keep A Journal/Diary?: yes
Dance In The Rain?: no
Sing In The Shower?: yes
Pepsi or Coke?: neither
McDonald's or Burger King?: bk
Single or Group Dates?: both depends on the situation
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: meat
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: guitar
Adidas or Nike?: nike
Chinese or Mexican?: chionese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: neihter
Cake or Pie?: pie
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: whatever
Do The Splits?: nope
Write With Both Hands?: nope
Whistle?: nope
Blow A Bubble?: yup
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: nope
Cross Your Eyes?: nope
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: i think?
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: noep
Dance?: nope
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: yes
You Touched:: my sister
You Talked To On The Phone:: hannah
You Instant Messaged:: nope
You Hugged:: my mom
You Yelled At:: my mom
You Played A Sport With:: my brothers
Time You Laughed?: today by tv
Time You Cried?: last week
Movie You Watched?: last night
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: i guess mint
Joke You Told?: dunno
Song You've Sung?: umbrella by rihannah
Where Are You?: in the living room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: my pool
Are You Listening To Music?: nope
What Are You Wearing?: clothes..DUH!!
What's On Your Mousepad?: dont got one
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: no
Do you believe in miracles?: no
Magic?: yes
Love at first sight?: no
God?: yes
Satan?: no
Ghosts?: no
Santa?: no
Evolution?: no
Fav Eye Color:: green light brown
Fav Hair Color:: black brown
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: tall
Weight:: whatevre
Best Clothing Style:: sexii!!!!
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: thailand
Number Of CD's I Own:: too many
Your Good Luck Charm:: ksjda;lsjd;l
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
Do you drink milk?: yess
Person You Hate Most:: cant say
Most Outdated Phrase:: its and a b coversation.....
Do you think God has a gender?: nope--god is everybody
Where do you think we go when we die?: dunno
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: whatver
Are you a health freak?: nope
Are you a virgin?: dskjflsd;j
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: mars ankd that new planet
What is the worst weather?: rain and ice
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yess
How many grades have you failed?: notta
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my parents!!!!My family.....Families are a big part of ur life.. they stick wit u thru thick and thin(mine do at least).. i love them because u can rely on them --thatz it!!