anything on the Dicovery Channel
something that can keep me hooked from the beginnging to the end =]
My Grandpa Clifford :
wow where do i start my grandpa is like my
dad even though i have a dad he wasn't really there
for me like my grandpa
was, we were the best of friends fishing,
camping,showing me how to cook and boy did he
know how to cook =],waking up early on easter
morning in his purple bunny suit to hide our eggs and baskets when he
thought noone was awake, and playing monopoly i swear he cheats because no one in our WHOLEintire family could EVER BEAT him at that game i love spending time with him and
i miss him every miunte of the day his my insperation
in life and makes me want to be a better person
even if i don't want to be i don't know what id
do without him in my life out of i
the people i know in my life he's the one i look up to the most he's strong, lots of will
power (maybe that's where i get it from =] ), brave,
intellegent, and MOST of all MY HERO always
and forever i love you grandpa R.I.P