Wilt Chamberlain,Air Jordan, Chris Farley, Pablo Escobar
All types but hippy music unless I am on ACID
You name them...
Entourage, The Family"Sopranos"
The Place I love... South Beach MiamiSouth Beach is a town in the buisness of seduction and is fueled by its nightlife. Sometimes the sheer, overwhelming beauty of the place and its inhabitants is so sharp, it is almost painful. What is the price of admission ? Quite alot. Everywhere you look there is the work of plastic surgeons, air kissing photo-ops, prime VIP-room seats sold to the rich, liquor indulging hard partying divas, and an entourage of celebrity followers. There is an addictive charm of the community that so readily forgives and forgets every destructive behavior that you often wonder what morals are. There is a love affair with the South Beach party scene that all you can do is focus on some sort of stability…which is often hard to find amoung all the chaos. But it hardly matters: South Beach—and all of its neon-vodka-narcotic glamour is a much better draw than any other predictable city.
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