About Me
I'M kick ass, and have a loving husband(a really good friend), that would do anything for me. Although we are sumtimes distant and dont get to speak to each other as much as we like. He always lets me know he cares for me and will be There for me always.In the present: Right, so I'm not really down with the whole myspace thing, but my husband (really good friend) thought that I should have one so he made me one a few years back and what you just read ^ was what he wrote when he made this page a few years ago. It's true, he is a sweetheart and I remain loyal to him so I will always have his original message. But, back to me...I'm pretty cool if you know me. Pretty wierd if you don't. But just try and know me why don't ya? I live a simple life, but love my fam, friends and just having a good time. I don't like being mainstream and common, which is why I don't like myspace, but I have one so I can log in and be added as a friend to my other friend's myspaces. Sorry.And when our worlds
They fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it