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If yOu kNow mE u eIthEr LovE me oR tHink iM aN aSShOle, aNd fOr tHose wHo haVe nOt bEeN sO fORtuNatE tOday mIght just bE yOur lUcKy Day!!!!!!!! Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own! [url= tsmallbi8.jpg][img=][/url]
What Type of Hustla Are you?

I'm a Kingpin Hustla
You are always on the highway, and you are the one who meets the boss and distributes it all over. There are very few of you. You never have any dirty work because the only people that know what you do are your customers from state to state, which are hustlas themselves. If it wasn't for you the streetz wouldnt have the same work all over.
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What Type of Hustla Are you?

I'm a Kingpin Hustla
You are always on the highway, and you are the one who meets the boss and distributes it all over. There are very few of you. You never have any dirty work because the only people that know what you do are your customers from state to state, which are hustlas themselves. If it wasn't for you the streetz wouldnt have the same work all over.
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