Hello.My name is Ian, and in my previous life I strongly believe that I was a Giraffe.
Thank you for your time.
What are your interests?
Obviously mine.
What do you prefer?
To many to count. I like a good few, but some of which I watch daily.Such as:
RENT ( Thanks to Erin and Jimmy)
The Lion King
That's all I feel like naming now, maybe later i'll list more if I feel the need to.
Anything that's on.
I watch alot of T.V, but for some reason I can't seem to think of any other shows than this.
OH OH! This too, this too.
Don't really have a favorite book.
But this picture does get my mojo goin'
Not your mother.
The Man in Black. Johnny Cash.
Mr. Keenan as well.
Daniel Johns is God.
A god that I would kneel down to anyday...for any reason.