If my MTV career doesn't work out, I was thinking I'd buy a gun and start selling crack. I would be like a laid back crack dealer, though. Not mean or anything. I'd just be like 'Hey boys, how's it going? Want some crack?'AIM - uhhhali♥ ♥ ♥I'm Ali, I'm weird. So people tell me. Sometimes I wish more than anything that what I dream at night could come true. I'm a pretty honest person despite the fact I'm really good at lying. I also possess excellent persuasion skills and get what I want most of the time because of it. I sleep with one leg bent and one leg straight. And yes, I'm a waitress. But on the side I enjoy pirating and assassinating. I'll kill your bitch ass for some booty! Wink. If you like imperfection, I'm perfect for you.♥ ♥ ♥EAT IT, LICK IT, SNORT IT, FUCK IT
[-Unfitney Spears]