~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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ummm...in about 5'4" and i have blond hair and blue eyes. i LOVE to party!!!!! i work at the holiday inn in naptown woop woop lol. um im gonna be starting classes out at northwest state for nursing so that should be fun. well i cant think of anything else right now so if you wanna know something just ask me!!
I got this Sexy Comment from commentsgeek.com!
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My Interests

partying, hangin out wit friends, sleepin, eatin, etc
Flash Toys

Flash Toys
I got this Sexy Comment from commentsgeek.com!
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Glitter from Hot-lyts.com

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I'd like to meet:

I got this Sexy Comment from commentsgeek.com!ummm....idk who id like to meet?!?!?! i wana meet someone who isnt afraid to be themself aound me..or someone who doesnt think that they have to act differently to make and impression..someone who can be as up front with me as i am with them. but besides that..lol..umm..john cena! definetly! hes so fuckin sexy! if i think of anyone else ill let u know! lol
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country...i love country music!!!
Glitter Graphics


I got this Sexy Comment from commentsgeek.com!

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname rhonda blue
Sex female
Eye Color blue
Hair Color blonde
Height 5'4''
Favorite Color green
Screen Name jessica_hall06
Your Car ???
Your Hometown naptown
Your Present Town McClure
Your Crush's First Name not sayin
Your Grade freshman in college..soon
Your Style ??


Band anything country
Movie have alot
TV show have alot
Song have alot
Color green
Cigarette marlboro reds
Pastime ??

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop yep
Kissed someone in the rain yep
Danced in a public place yep
Smiled for no reason yep
Laughed so hard you cried yep
Peed your pants after age 8 no way
Written a song yes
Sang to someone for no reason no
Performed on a stage yes
Talked to someone you don't know yes
Made out in a theater lol yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade yes
Been in love yes
A near death experience not that i can remember..they were probly while i was drunk if i had one lol
Sang in front of a large audience no

...Can You...

Write with both hands kinda
Whistle yea
Blow a bubble yea
Roll your tongue yea
Cross your eyes yea
Touch your tongue to your nose no
Dance yea
Speak a different language kinda
Impersonate someone probly
Cook anything yes

...Are you...

Fighter when i have to be
Smoker yea
Drinker yea
Stalker no!!
Man hater no
Lover yea
War freak no
Heartbreaker no
In love not sure
Bossy no
Friendly of course


What is your current mood? pretty happy
Does your crush like you back? not sure
What makes you happy? chocolate
Elaborate on your default photo ??
Name one thing you do a lot eat lol
Name someone with the same b-day as you idk
Are you comfortable with your height yea

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... ??
I wish ... i had a million dollars!!
So many people don't know ... what im thinking?
I am ... ??
My heart is ... healing
Pet Peeves ... smacking on gum...i hate it!!!
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Glitter graphics from hot-lyts.com
What is your name- jessica
Height- 5..'4..'..'
Weight- 130
Best quality- idk
Eye Color- blue
Haircolor- blonde
Age- 18
Birthdate- 8-8-88
Current Location-
night or day- night
sweet or sour- sweet
chocolate or vanilla- chocolate
beer or hard liquor- hard liquor
black or white- black
personality or looks- personality
cats or dogs- idk
Been in love- idk
drank until you blacked out- kinda
Skipped school- no
Drank alcohol- hell yes!!
smoked a cigarette- yep
smoked weed- nope
snuck out of the house- yea
Whats the worst thing that has ever happened to you- probation
What do you think happens when you die- i wouldnt know..i havent died lol
Do you believe in karma- definetly
Believe in god- yea
personality or looks- personality
do you ha ve a job- yes
If you had one wish, what would it be- to have a million dollars
Color- green
Store- idk
Drink- raspberry tea
Food- fritos and cream cheese
Book- dont read much
Music- country
Season- summer
Piercings- 3
Tattoos- 1
How do you want to die- idk i try not to think about it lol
Do you want to get married- yea
Do you want kids- yea 2 maybe more
Do you drink- of course
Smoke- yep
Your most missed memory- jessica
What do you want to do when you are done with highschool- go to college for nursing
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Glitter from Hot-lyts.com

My Blog

fuckin A man!!!!

ok...so whats goin on? not a whole lot here...just lovin life. so im gonna be going to college soon!! woot!! im going to be a nurse. im so excited..i cant wait to start school again! its gonna be grea...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:00:00 PST

this one is really good!!!!!

EVERYTHING TO ME...   its indescribable,  the way i feel about you, so much passion and love, but theres more that i wanna give to you. its amazing, the way you change my life, so much joy a...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 03:12:00 PST

how bout this one??????

you are...my love at first sight, my fun through the night..my last dance, my beautiful romance..my love so rare, my answered prayer..my best friend until the end..my heart and soul, my life...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:15:00 PST

read it and let me know what you think

step by step, and heart to heart.. ill be there when you fall apart. dont worry, dont cry.. i promise ill stay by your side. i know you can feel it, i can see it in your eyes... you need to shar...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:03:00 PST

suck on that!

so....life..what to say. well i got totally shitfaced the other night..which was so much fun! lol. jax you throw some kick ass parties! lol. i really couldnt tell you how many shots of soco i took..bu...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:13:00 PST

this is how it is

so...alot has happened lately. first of all..remember how i told you that i was dating kyle.. yeah well his parents decided to be more-than-usual assholes and to make a long story short they had the c...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

what to do?.....

so.....somethings are gettin kinda weird.. somethings bad..somethings good..and somethings that i just dont know about. i dont wanna talk about the bad things cuz it pisses me off too much! the good t...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:20:00 PST

my life and whats goin on

so life is goin pretty good right now. im gonna be starting classes out at northwest pretty soon for nursing or music..havent decided which one yet. um i have a new boyfriend and his name is kyle. he ...
Posted by ~!*♥JeSsIcA♥*!~ on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:59:00 PST