Ziggy played... guitar...I've been called Raymondo, Cosmic Ray, Captain Transformation, Rainforest Ray, Supersonic Ray, ROCKETMAN, Rainman, RainRay, Tolstoy, Woody the Woodpecker, Woodsy the Owl, The Eno-Endino, The Ace of Spades, "The Quincy Jones of SE Portland", and others quite a bit less flattering. What a long strange trip it's been.MySpace, your space, outerspace...
Now that The Wall is coming down: Is anybody out there?
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Da Vinci. He was brilliant in every way. Ok, he's dead. How about the Dali Lama, I hope he is still alive and I get to meet him. He is probably the wisest and most sincere person on the planet. I did meet Ozzy Osbourne, who runs a close second. ;-)
My Blog
Mixing with the Ladies of the Canyon
When I went out to the ocean to do a beach firing for potters with my wife and her artist friends, we went by way of Topanga Canyon. I wanted a tast of the L.A. that was; part cowboy, part hippi... Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:00:00 GMT