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Alter Ego: Kimmie the Urban Art Critic

About Me

My Interests

Experimental film, Installation Art, Ana Mendieta, Chris Burden,Thrifting, Carolee Schneeman, Orlan, Google Collage, Legwarmers, Traveling, Coffee, Politics, Polaroids, 60's London, Duchamp, New England, Politics, Democrats, Research Research Research, Health Care Reform, Voting Trends in Ohio, Traveling (Again), Gunther, The Wire, Noooo Forums, Cats, Conceptual Art


The Smiths, Broadcast, The United States of America, StereoLab, Steve Reich, Camera Obscura, Fennez, Stereo Total, Negativeland, Zou Zou, Nobukazu Takemura, Sonic Youth, Rosa Yemen, ESG, Pylon, Slowdive, Nico, Mum, The Hidden Cameras, Alvin Lucier, Slowblow, The Projects, 00I00, Sigur Ros, Neu!, Joy Division, My Bloody Valentine, Matmos, Lali Puna, The Free Design, Juana Molina, The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Brian Eno, Joe Meek, Glen Branca, Carl Orff, Four tet, Arthur Russell, Electralane, Bikini Kill, Fat Truckers, Edith Piaf, Mu, The Soft Pink Truth, Belle and Sebastian, Peachers, Clinic, Gavenhurst, The Dylan Group, R.E.M., Crescent, David Axelrod, Basil Kirchin, Colder, Mars, B. Fleischmann, Animal Collective, Xiu Xiu, Ariel Pink, The Books, Alva Noto, Deerhoof, GUNTHER, Hanne Hukkleburg, Leslie and The Ly's, Kevin Blechdom, France Gall, MAGNET, MIA, Klaus Naomi, Isolee, Jamie Lidell, Feathers, Vashti Bunyan...


Hans Richter, Micheal Walin, Carolee Schneeman, Stan Brakhage, Vito Acconci, Bruce Conor, Harry Smith, Kenneth Anger, Su Friedrich, Fluxes.. Vera Chytilova - Daisies, Milos Forman - Loves of a Blonde, Derek Jarman - Jubilee, The Garden; Peter Greenaway - A Zed and two Knots, Drowning by Numbers; Resnais - Je T'aime Je T'aime, Antonioni - Blow Up; Godard, Bunuel, Gasper Noe, Warhol, Bruce La Bruce, Barbarella, Susperia, Vampiros Lesbos, M, I heart Huckabees, Plan 9 from Outer Space, You and Me and Everyone We know...


CSpan, CNN, Project Runway, West Wing, Law and Order (SVU & CI)


Sontag - Against Interpretation, Where the Stress Falls, Regarding the Pain of Others; Focault - The Order of things, Sartre - No Exit, Mikhail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita, Dostoevsky-Notes from Underground, Nabokov - The Seagul, Floyd Abrams - Speaking Freely, Camus- The Rebel, Simone De Beavoir - The Blood of others and The Second Sex, Richard Hofstadter - Anti intellectualism in American Life, D.M. Thomas - The White Hotel, Molly Ivens-Bushwacked, Kenneth Wald-Religion and Politics in the United States, Nietzche, Amos Vogel, Howard Zinn, Naomi Klein, Gertrude Stein, Douglas Coupland...if I don't stop now I never will hahah. Besides, all I read these days are school books and newspapers.


Kip's Mysterious Vegetables

Wing (

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http://wayfaring-red-america.blogspot.comyou know you want to
Posted by Nicole Was Here on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:10:00 PST