I sought my image
in the scorching glass,
for what fire could damage a witch's face?
So I stared in that furnace
where beauties char
but found radiant Venus
reflected there.
~Sylvia Plath~
I have seen, the others have no eyes so what should they see? Poisonous witch with creeping movements, I have seen all your thoughts, desires and deeds. Stealing forth in your hair in subtle reptiles, hanging at the foot of the bed, the head with the painted lips, calm and pale let drip its heavy clots of blood above a bowl of dazzling copper filled to the brim with lilacs and hyacinths... ~Jean Lorrain~
Such is your joy, fragile dolls! For you have always taken a naive delight in dazzling playthings and cut-off heads... ~Theodore de Barville~
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity... ~E. A. Poe~
It's well we cannot hear the screams
We make in other people's dreams.
~*~Edward Gorey~*~
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being?-Oscar Wilde
And the huge black lilies, flowers of shade and darkness, opening their mournful calyxes against my mouth Revealed to me my infamous and chaste dishonour and descending alas into the horror of my being I savored the strange, sweet happiness of adoring myself after thinking I knew myself... ~Jean Lorraine~
Out of the ash I rise with my red hair
And eat men like air
~Sylvia Plath~
When you see them with their hair on their shoulders flying in the wind, then in this gorgeous ornament of their hair they appear so beautiful that when the sun shines through it is as if through a cloud, the radiance is indescribable and gives off blazing lightning; this is how enchantment comes from their eyes which are just as dangerous in love as in witchcraft. ~Basque judge presiding over witchcraft trials, 1609~
We live and feel as much dreaming as waking and are the one as much as the other. It is one of the superiorities of man that he dreams and knows it. We have hardly made the right use of this yet. Dreaming is a life which, combined with the rest of us, makes up what we call human life. Dreams gradually merge into our waking; we cannot say where man's waking state begins. ~Lichtenberg~
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To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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