Buhdda, Cunfucius, Darth Vader, Jim Morrison, Serj Tankian, The Animaniacs, and Waldo(I cant find him)
Pretty open minded to all types of music. But here are some specifics. The mars volta, of montreal, s.o.a.d., outkast, messaien, deathcab for cutie, coheed and cambria, tantric, seether (guilty pleasure), mos def, wyclef, the blood brothers, dredg, mewithoutyou, rage against the machine, danny elfman, lola ray, The Shins, Steven Kellog and the Sixers, The big MM.
Waking Ned Devine, Fight Club, Finding Neverland, The Nightmare Before Christmas, All of the Riddick Movies.
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ESP: A Scientific Evaluation, The Art of War, A Clockwork Orange, ANything Shiel Silverstein, There's a Wocket in M y Pocket, Green Eggs and Ham (Dr. Seuss is a literary genius), Bel Canto
The guy I saw at working MTSU who had no arms but could still type faster than I could