im emma. psychic. magic. awesome. crazy and fucked. happy. i love love. friends. cuddles. nature. the universe. exploding and practicing to explode. the beach, the mountains. mind expansion. rainbows, inside and out.MSN: [email protected]
im emma. psychic. magic. awesome. crazy and fucked. happy. i love love. friends. cuddles. nature. the universe. exploding and practicing to explode. the beach, the mountains. mind expansion. rainbows, inside and out.MSN: [email protected]
having fun. exploring my mind and spirit. reading and literature. writing. local music. music in general. drawing. painting. creativity. art. stencilling. photography(although not mine :P). nature. science. maths. religion. social justice. theatre. computers. ascii art. movies. foreign cultures. travel. white water rafting! health. adventures. pirates & ninjas. conversation. being scared. summer nights. winter days. snow.
fellow tangentials
local music. architechture in helsinki. bjork, broken social scene. clap your hands say yeah! cold war kids. daft punk. data rock. death cab. dukes of windsor. eels. feist. ghettobillies. gorillaz. gotye. hanson. hot chip. jimi hendrix. justice. karnivool. klaxons. lcd soundsystem. led zeppelin. midnight juggernauts. mike patton. muse. nick cave. pnau. qotsa. quarashi. radiohead. ratm. smashing pumpkins. sigur ros. soulwax. the grates. the hives. the (international) noise conspiracy. the killers. the mars volta. the music. the pixies. the police. the postal service. the presets. the rapture. thievery corporation. third eye blind. tool. unkle.
vampire movies. scary movies but never when im alone and never with the lights out. edward scissorhands. drop dead fred. donnie darko. you got served. saw. dodgeball. batman begins. around the world in 80 days (the old version). chitty chitty bang bang. oceans 11. the rules of attraction. indiana jones! james bond. the secret garden. harry potter movies. men in black. hide and seek. underworld. ghost. spiderman 1&2. wolf creek. requiem for a dream. jumanji. tom green movies.FOOTLOOSE
adult swim. carnivale. the discovery channel. futurama. dawsons creek. law and order: criminal intent. will & grace. fairly odd parents. south park. scrubs. viva la bam. the crime investigation network. miami ink. malcolm in the middle. pokemon. dragon ball z
the meq by steve cash = flock of blats by michael stephens and most of his other work. fantasy. biographies. non fiction. i hate scary books. alexander solzhenitsyn. ken kesey. terrence mckenna. aldous huxley. love reading!
anyone who has the courage to stand up for what they believe in and anyone following their own path in life.