music, concerts, films, travelling, making clothes D.I.Y., fanzines, photographs,animals, fabbriche abbandonate
amebix, avskum,after the massacre, blunt, contravene,crass, campus sterminii, contrasto,discharge,dropdead,defiance, declino,driller killer,ekkaia,eu's arse,extreme noise terror,from ashes rise,fall of efrafa,filth of mankind,le tormenta,kakistocracy,ludd,misery,nerorgasmo,negazione,oroku
, ,pisschrist,remains of the day,tetano, tragedy, to what end,the holy mountain, tear me down,wolfpack/wolfbrigade,warcollapse, wretched...
i GOONIES (L),Clockwork Orange- trainspotting- i ragazzi dello zoo di berlino- il pianista- the dreamers- alcatraz,l'isola dell'ingiustizia, happyworland (AHAH!)
i fiori del male- i ragazzi dello zoo di berlino- contro il niente- arancia meccanica...