Well, I don't have too much time to enjoy much 'cause I have BILLS to pay, but when I get the chance I enjoy relieving myself of all the crap of everyday life. Guess you can imagine what my bathroom smells like! Oh yeah! I love spending time with my Lady, Betty Boobs. She is without a doubt, the best thing in my life, and I could not ask for more from anyone. Enough mushy crap keep scrolling.
If my life should ever be enriched with the prescence of LUCK, I would hope that it sends DOC HOLLIDAY my way. No matter what comes my way I'll always be ya' HUCKLEBERRY.
All but classical. It makes me sleepy and slows my blood flow. Keep scrolling.
No i'm not gay but hell yes DISNEY movies are cool. Crush off Finding Nemo was like Whoa, and I was like Whoa and we were like WHOA! Tombstone is better and then comes Varsity Blues. Whip creme bikinis are GRRRRREAT! Tweeters my hero. Keep scrolling.
CSI the original series. YES DEAR is funny. If you've seen it then know I use to be "JIMMY" the security dude. But we all know that TIM THE TOOL MAN TAYLOR is the greatest. He's always got the hottest assistants, uh, except for MINES, BETTY BOOBS. I LOVES YA Lady. Keep scrolling.
The one and only TRENT RENFROW. I LOVES YA MORON!!!! Keep scrolling.