Anyone who wants to meet me:) Plus: Peter Kay Al Murray Sharron Osbourne Spice Girls Prince Charming
Hot Fuzz, What a girl wants,pretty woman,300,Grease,Titanic,James Bond,Spiderman,etc
My Mummy,Daddy and Brother &
The best 2 & 1/2 years of my life:) i love him and always will.We've been through everything together and i wouldn't change that for the world:)We still have amazing nights in, with a good film, few bottles of wkd and al murray:) hehe He knows me inside out:)and has made me enjoy watching boy films:)Hehe my film Nerd:) Mwah:) &hearts
Gee Gee = Sisters at heart.
Shes my beautiful angel who keeps me going through everything.
Im never scared to tell her anything and i love her to pieces. She makes me cry with laughter and i can be myself with her, which is what a best friends all about right?!? If anyone hurts her they have me to deal with. I love you sweetie:D&hearts
She has always been my best friend and shes always there when you need to call. longest Friends, through thick and thin :) I love her to bits:) xx
I dont see her enough but it doesnt mean i dont love her. shes beautiful and a true friend xxx
Jack and Nick
Because they make me laugh and we watch films i'd never choose to watch but are pretty ace:)
Well he just basically rocks:P hehe. Not only is he an incredible guitarist he's stupidly modest about anything! really looking forward to our music sessions:D luv him:) xx
Emily, Laura
and Lisa:) My three beautiful cousins
Zoe and Daniel:)
Because they're lovely:)
Zoe,Sophie,Alex and Sarah
Because they are:)
'cos he's part of the 503 CREW!! and we rock!:) hehe
Katie Taylor:)
Shes pretty ace actually:P " Sarah:Were they welsh?? Katie: No, it was a woman:P hahah"
James - My Nottingham dude:P Enough said really...:) mwah xxx