GhostFarts profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a geek! And when I say geek, boy do I mean geek! I mean a dream job right now would be comic book store clerk. HA! I am a Vampire who wears braces, You gotta keep the pearly's white's there straightest, Ha ha. MyGen Profile Generator> Spiderman
Congratulations! You scored a super 41%! You're hotter than, well, hot-cakes! You've got a fan base bigger than Pam & Tommy, and to tell the truth, you actually don't mind the super-hero gig. Most of the time, anyway.Everyone seems to love their fun, friendly and courageous hero as you swoop in to save the day, time and time again! Unfortunately, swooping and day-saving doesn't help pay the rent, and you're not exactly the "hero-for-hire" type either. Hey, at least you can play down the whole life saving, self sacrificing gig with some neat lil' punchlines and remarks! Juggling both egos becomes a strain at times and whilst you want to help everyone, you're also in search of "me time", often finding yourself having to make constant personal sacrifices in order to protect those around you.Don't fret though! At the end of the day you'll find yourself with the support from either those you rescue or perhaps a close friend or loved one who'll get you by, reminding you of how cool you look in spandex.
This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:>> ..table>

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp is the only person who I would like to meet...since I can't meet Kurt Cobain . He WAS murdered I believed by Courtney Love. (update I wouldn't also mind meeting Rob Zombie;He is just awesome). Other than that I wouldn't mind meeting someone Alive, pretty and nice. At times the sound of another human being, being in my presence sickens me to my very core. Just the ill thought of being around another person when I can't even stand myself, sickens me but there comes a time in a person's life where You just have to hit the shit with the fan! Huh? I think I said that correctly. Anyhow where was I? Oh yes, disgusting humans. I kid, I kid, Or do I? lol. Well if you read this and are excited, well all I can say is GO AND SEE A SHRINK! Because I might like to meet you, HA! Potatoes get the last word.

My Blog

For Bronson

Ive been putting this off for more then a week. I now need to get something off my mind. I had a dog. His name was Bronson and he was probably the greatest gift that I could be privilege to receiv...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:02:00 GMT

You will be missed because I will never forget

Right now I have very few words to say. All that I know is that my family and I have lost a family member today. Today Bronson passed away. It hurts, not surprising, but it was inevitable. If you know...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jun 2009 23:22:00 GMT

Disneyland for my birthday!

I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow for my birthday, YAY! I need to experience some crazy happiness because I just feel nuts on the inside. Talk to everyone later.  
Posted by on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 23:32:00 GMT

My best friend is not doing well.

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Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 05:44:00 GMT

To Popo
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 20:24:00 GMT

Heath Leger - 4 April 1979 to 22 January 2008

I cant believe that its been a year since Heath Ledgers passing. Here we all are and how time flys and even though Ive seen the The Dark Knight numerous times in the theaters and at home, Im s...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 18:33:00 GMT

Trick r Treat? Please Santa I want Trick r Treat next Halloween!

Ok. I know it's the time for cheers and joy, with the holidays near by but I've had this movie stuck in my head for a while now. This movie is "Trick 'r Treat."  A Halloween themed based movie...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:31:00 GMT

Bronson UPDATE

UPDATE: Just wanted to let people know that Bronson is doing well. His blood work came back and it's all good news. The surgery when well as expected but the Vet sent out the tumor for a biopsy and I ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 16:21:00 GMT

My best buddy is ill and it makes me sad

I'm very sad . I'm more so worried right now because my best buddy who has been beside me in the last 7yrs is about to have surgery for a tumor in his tonsil. He is my best buddy but feels more like f...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:46:00 GMT

The Dark Knight

What do I have to say about this film that hasn't been said yet? Well personally I think it is the best adaption of one of the greatest comic book icons in the last decade. Heck, probably the best fil...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 15:29:00 GMT