Amy Unscripted! profile picture

Amy Unscripted!

About Me

Ok a little about me I'm a easy going, laid back...but I can also be wild & crazy...and always the life of the party! I got a great sense of humor & fairly sarcastic. I sometimes come across kinda harsh but really, i'm a lover, just don't cross me!! I have a HUGE heart with loads of love for my family & friends. I'm an ultra-caring person..sometimes that ends up bite'n me in the ass, but such is life. I love my dog but don't get 2 much time with her, so I treasure the moments I do get. I plan 2 get a tattoo of her on my inner-left bicep, so she's always close to my heart...I wasn't kidding when I said I love my dog. My dog is a lover but by the slim chance she don't like you, well sorry but you have to go...I trust her instincts 100%, she's never been wrong yet! I love to go out and party & camp & party & party....and well, party! I'm constantly looking for a good time, life is far to short for bad times!! Needless to say...I was raised right, by my wonderful mother to whom I love with all my heart. I've got a HUGE group of friends, all from different walks of life. My friends mean the world to me, they are my family & I'd do whatever it takes to keep them safe & happy. I consider myself to be a very good friend & a relatively good person. I've made some mistakes in my life & I'm sure I'll make some more. I've learned a lot from my mistakes & have grown from them all, so while I do hate some of my "falls from grace", I don't have any regrets. I've lived my life with regrets before & it pretty much I've learned to take accountability & let the lessons settle in. I sometimes find myself in crazy situations, actually it happens quite often..sometimes I wonder if I have a sign on my back or if I am just a magnet for that type of shit either way I am like WTF?! But whatever is whatever, so I just run this shit to the ground. I'm pretty sure that if my life were a movie, people would watch..and be highly entertained. I've loved many people in my life & lost just as many. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve...and like the song goes, I take my shirt off a lot! I blame it on the fact that I'm a Libra...through & through! I strive for honesty and I expect the same...if you can't handle it, well then...kindly kick rocks & gets 2 step'n! I mostly feel torn between 2 towns & 2 groups of people, I wish I could clone myself so I could live both of the lives that I love so much. I love music...of all kinds..I've learned to appreciate all types of music..I find live shows somewhat enchanting! I like to write poetry & lyrics...which to me is basically the same, add some guitar strums & I'm good 2 go! Other than what I've already said....if it's not enough or you feel that you need/want to know more...just hit me up, I'm pretty much an open book & willing to read the pages of my life to anyone at any time!! Message Me suckas!!THIS IS IT PEOPLE....THIS RIGHT HERE, IS ABOUT ME. THIS PAGE IS JUST A SMALL GLIMPSE OF MY LIFE. WHERE MYTHS TURN INTO LEGENDS! Dude, i SOOOO badly wanted to put "I AM LEGEND" at the end of that....woulda been so frick'n funny!JUDGEMENTS ARE BASED UPON STANDARDS....AND I'M STRIVE'N & THRIVE'N RIGHT NOW...I AM THE EFFIN STANDARD!!!!

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My Blog

A Tale Of Two Cities

Well, for starters.....neither city is all "peaches-n-cream"! Although the folks that reside in their respective town, would argue otherwise. But to stay true to my constant whine'n in reguards to my ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:07:00 GMT


..> come'n home.....AGAIN! Oh, what the year has brought me......all wrapped up with a cute lil' bow and everything! and old...have split. The people that I thought for sure, my re...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 23:02:00 GMT

~The 4:20 Extrava-GANJA~

Man..I love the holi-DAZE! 2day was SUPREME! With less than....hmm, I dunno..72hrs of prep time....WE PUT ON THE BEST DAMN 4:20 GATHERING! With 3 live bands (D.N.A., Merc and, Charging Barview), endle...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 02:23:00 GMT