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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi : ) my name is Adelicia but everyone just calls me Addy. I live in an extremely small and conservative town called Glasgow, Montana. Everything is great and I've lived a very happy life here, but sometimes the best view here is Glasgow in rear view mirror. I'm 18 and 5'3 and a quarter. Naturally, I have mousy, diarrhea-esque brown hair, but I've been dying it blond since the 2nd grade.Except my junior year in high school I thought it would be a fantastic idea to dy it a deep, delicious chocolate brown. All it really did for me was turn me sickly and pale looking. Currently, I am a big senior this year in high school, as excited as I am, I'm also stressed to my limits about having no idea where I should go, or what I should do with my life and scared to death to grow up. Other than that, I'm a very happy, positive,and outgoing person. Easy to get a long with, very forgiving, and when i get mad, I get mad but it never lasts long. I'm also pretty laid back, and a fairly lazy chick. I really look forward and make plans for the weekends even if its a Monday. I can have fun and be entertained by just about anything really. I love to laugh, even if its not funny.I LOVE UFC. I'm a big health and workout nut, but I also love eating and food to much to be skinny. I'm also really odd with things. My biggest pet peeve is when ppl steal my water bottles and drink out of it. I can't explain why it bothers me so badly, but it drives me absolutly nuts. I'm a very independant person but at the same time I can't stand being alone for long. Another thing, I'm HORRIBLE at math and science. I don't even want to look at numbers, and I don't care or understand anything related to a branch of science. All in all, I take things one day at a time and put on a smile.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

dane cook, will ferrel, jack black, brad pitt, chuck liddel, and angelina jolie
Your Pimp Name Is...
Sugar Butt Skillz What's Your Pimp Name?

My Blog


Can you feel it?The hard awkward stares that make your jaws clench and your blood boilthe air around our table is tense and the room is silentthe aching hearts wanting so badly for you to come back   ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:53:00 GMT

This is the story that got me in that Magazine

             Weed Whackin'     The summer sun's hot rays beamed down upon my poor, naked skin.  I yanked back harder and harde...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 09:36:00 GMT

oh yeah baby!

FEBRUARY=SMARTSAbstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon.Has more than one best friend.Temperame...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 13:22:00 GMT