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2 new SONGS CHECK them OUT

About Me

NOMBRE:Rick Chacon MINISTERIO:United Flow Ministries y Predicar el evangelio con Rap y Hip Hop PRODUCCIONES:Unidos Con Poder Que nuestra musica sea de gran bendicion para sus vidas y que cada uno de ustedes se unan ala vision que el Señor Jesus nos ha encomendado. De poder rescatar las almas y predicarles del evangelio de JESUCRISTO. ..


My Interests


Member Since: 01/07/2006
Band Members: -- --

Influences: -- -- Number one influence was my passion for music, started listening to rap when i was 12 years old and felt in love with the music, at age 17 i was in the process to sign a $300,000 dollar contract, with on of venturas county prestige record label, they liked my flow and my negative influence, about dissing who ever i didnt like. two years later at age 19 i met the best thing to ever hit my life yes, JESUS CHRIST, so yeah ive recorded with the world, but now i record for the world, better music good lyrics, and most of all the love of my savior. for all the record labels out there, you do music to entertain, i do music to lead you to the one who created you. --

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