I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)In a time of evil and tyranny, one band remains ready in the eye of the storm. Hunted by merciless assassins The Orfs wander the countryside alone, poised to fight the forces of evil. Trained by the Legendary Orpheus, a 10th –degree master in the art of Gudo-orinji-minjitsu, The Orfs are stone-faced in the face of danger.
The founder of The Orfs is the master of the Axe, the songwriter, Grant the Tank Kozuchar. He is as dangerous as he is deadly. With his weapon of choice Grant can chop down doors and with an amp and mic he’ll tickle your thoughts as he blows the roof off the place. Mike the earthquake Holland is the master of hand to hand combat. Always ready to rumble, slapping his opponents with blinding speed, popping their heads clean off. Originally Matt muttin chops Watson completed the furious trio, but during a battle in New Brunswick he was captured by ninja spies. The Orfs were left to wonder if the demon assassins would inevitably defeat them. As demon spies surrounded The Orfs headquarters Grant and Mike prepared to fight their greatest battle. Mike created the deadly brown noise blowing his foes asses to smithereens, while Grant sliced as many enemies as he could with the lightning strike of his axe. However, with the numbers against them, it looked as though all was lost. Then just as defeat seemed imminent, from out of the shadows a lone man appeared. It was Bradford the Nowak, member of the mythical NHLPA 95 clan, bounty hunter and master of the sticks. He swung his sticks with an intensity that crushed bones, helping the Orfs beat their foes into submission.
Today, The Orfs continue to combine their forces. They fight evil and tyranny and search for new sounds. They hold dear the lessons of master Orpheus, using the power of the Lion, Tank and Earthquake to battle their foes. Together they work combining the sounds of robots with blues, country, jazz the sound of one hand clapping, to create new music. They simply call this music, The Orfs.Hey Hey Cactus
..Walk My Way
..Unrequited Love
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