Greg profile picture


Yes, it does suck to be me...

About Me

This is a website dedicated to the embarassment of the members of AN ARIATIC SILENCE. But not just any embarassment will do! Oh no! All of the pictures that you see on this site where taken while to victum was unconscience. Sounds like fun huh? But for all of you amatures... THERE ARE RULES............................1) If you fall asleep around your buddies with your shoes on, thats your ass.2) If you take your shoes off, but it is agreed that it will be the funniest shit in the world... Its your ass! But WAIT!!! There is one condition for this breech of the rules. If you can get the persons shoes back on them, without them waking up... Fair game. If they wake up, thats it. Going back after them after they fall asleep would only be dick.Have fun

My Interests

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