*PROPHETIC GATHERING*One of JKAMI'S most life altering events is the Prophetic Gathering. Think about it. No matter the power or expertise they possess, for any master of any skill, provision must be set. Without a field and ball, how successful would a master quarterback be to his fans? Without the appropriate tools and adequate lighting, how helpful and how effective would a master sergeon be to her patients? Well, JKA Ministries has made its priority setting the provision for The Master to display His super-natural skills amongst His people. Thus the Prophetic Gathering was born.Different from a typical church service, the "program" is replaced with a mere outline to allow flexibility in prayer, praise, worship and the spoken prophetic word. The outline consists of divinely delegated prophetic worship leaders, prophetic praise dancers, Holy Hip-Hop artists, psalmist, anointed actors, etc; all strategically assigned by JKAMI'S Cief Arts Officer for each gathering.Every Prophetic Gathering is unique in its tone and in its mission but each one is designed to allow those whom it gathers to experience the fullness of The Lord without the constraints of a time-governed progran. Rather than liberty in Christ being elusive in a faith-based assembly, it is celebrated all while maintaining the reverence and integrity that is due The Spirit of God.~JKA Ministries, Inc.~
Joshua Alexander - (Chief Executive Officer)
*Kyondra Hunter - (Executive Assistant)
*Pamela Carias - (Administrative Assistant)
Jesus Carias - (Chief Operations Officer)
*Tamara Navarro - (Field Operation Manager)
*Judith Carias - (Multi Media Specialist)
*LaDonna Martin - (Support Team Director)
Takila Chaney - (Chief Financial Officer)
*Adrienne Alexander - (Accounts Manager)
Marcus Chaney - (Chief Arts Officer)
*Jessica Alexander - (Prophetic Arts Director)
Jennifer Griffith - (Business Consultant)
Erica Nervaez - (Banking Consultant)~JKA Ministries, Inc.~View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Prophetic Worship Acoustic Broadway Musical Music Christian Contemporary Classical Gospel Holy Hip Hop~JKA Ministries, Inc.~
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