MySpace Layouts
- MySpace Codes
Here are some Random facts about me.
~I love Jesus, my church, and AXCESS365
~I recently learned that sometimes people aren't as great as you think, and you may need to take a few steps back to see that, but some people are better than you would've ever imagined
~I also learned that some friends are only that due to the convenience of the relationship, and some people are friends in spite of it
~I love the colors of fall, I hate the summer
~I love to hear it rain and thunder
~I enjoy most colors but I loath the color purple
~I like the beach but I hate the feeling of salt and sand
~I like to be outside on a breezy day, I love hammocks
~sometimes I laugh so hard that I stop making noise alltogether, and I love every minute of it
~I am on the hero list of at least 4 people and that makes my job worth doing
~I wish I could've lived with my mom forever
~I love to play Phase 10
~I like to play volleyball with monkey rules
~I like movies but I don't go because I can't stand when people talk the whole time
~It makes me sad when old people cry
~My family means the world to me, I think of them daily
~I don't know if I will ever be a parent and I think I am okay with that
~I can eat a whole pack of sunflower seeds in about 30 minutes
~I married my first real boyfriend...I know, how very small town of me
~I never lived in the town I was born in
~I have moved more than 13 times
~I am never content
~I am so ticklich, I can tickle my own feet, but if you try it expect to be hurt-BADLY
~I love it when people run into glass doors
~I wait all year for my birthday
~I am a wholesome girl- I dont smoke, drink, swear, and I hardly even speed
~I am terrified of car accidents, I've been in one and I do not reccomend it
~I love textures- I touch everything
~I hate the sound of nails on a chalk board but then again who does'nt
~I like to draw and I wish I had more time to put into that
~I love bologna sandwhiches, I hate green beans, sauerkraut, tuna- or any fish for that matter- don't give me Sushi- show me you care- cook my food :)
~I love to hunt and fish
~I like surprises but I hate when people scare me
~I believe that you should be proud of who you are and if you're a leader you should lead but if you're gonna be a follower you need to pick a good leader
~I don't think that lineage makes you family
~I like to be with my friends but I also like to be alone
~I love that I am an american-we live in a great country and more of us need to remember all that it takes to keep it that way- like Wade says: to whom much is given, much is expected
~I hate hate hate when people complain
~I believe if you found someone on the floor you wouldn't wait for a doctor to pick them up so when you see trash why do you wait for the janitor to clean it---Just pick it up
~I love my feet but they freeze at night..Jon makes me wear socks, I hate to wear socks when I sleep :<[br />