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I can never decide whether my dreams are the result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my

About Me

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Introduction: Ignore anything it says about relationships in here. Because I probably don't know what I'm talking about. Contrary to popular belief, relationships are nearly impossible. But you could get lucky. (Like me right now.) Still...Never ask me about girls, because I don't think I'll know.
Okay now, I like snow, and I don't like global warming. When I know that I'm dying, my last thousand words will be words about how much I've enjoyed life, how much I loved every last second of it. Even during the bad times, I'll try to think about how perfect life can be, even if it's just to put myself in a better mood. I don't know. Life is perfect to me, or the closest thing to it. If I like you, and you're sad, or mad...I'll try cheering you up. I'll try my hardest until it happens.
Meeting good people is one of my favorite things, especially if they're people that I will have a further friendship with, or even a relationship. But, relationships are just hard, and kind of dumb, and It's quite difficult to find somebody that you're actually willing to have a real one with. Which is why it's so awesome when you do find that person. (As of now, I found one!) But it will probably take a while. Or forever, or something. Who knows? Not me. hahaha.
Anybody reading this right now, thinking that it's not worth their time to finish reading is probably not cool enough to be good friends with me.
But, now I'll just get to the point.
If you know me already, and don't like me, that sucks. because your life is NOT as good as it could be. I'm sorry, but I am pretty damn awesome.
I am never really satisfied with my grades in school, but they still don't suck. I try to choose my friends quite wisely, me and all of my "better" friends are all pretty brilliant, and amazing... Think up the best topics, be cool. Kind of too cool for words, so...I can't really explain it.
But Bryan has "Smacks" that expired in March of 2002. Myspace is funny. Pretty sweet, I guess. Soon, actually, already...everybody knows each other in the myspace world. many know eachother in the actual world, but EVERYBODY is friends in the myspace world. I don't know if you've noticed. I rarely update pictures. If you want to, you and me could have one of the most interesting conversations about everything, and how it all works. I really want to write either an auto-biography, or just some crazy book about life. Oh! I completely hate when I am going to write something, and I forget what it was going to say. I love life more than you do, maybe. If you don't love life, then you're weird. Me and you could also talk about dying, or anything you've ever thought about, depending on who you are...I will most likely be happy to spend hours talking about anything and everything with you. Sometimes, I wish certain people could hear my thoughts, because I swear some people would think I was a better person. Life is weird. You could say that you don't like it much, but then you're just dumb. And it might even be pointless, however...not living a happy life, and having the most fun you can possibly have would be such a mistake, and a waste of a life. It would be like passing up the opportunity to just have anything you wanted, and not take it. Dying won't make you like anything, in fact, you won't even be able to think, speak, dream...anything. It's not like you will ever get bored, but also...you couldn't ever have any fun. Plus, only boring people get bored. If you're sweet like I am, you could find quite valuable things to get done on your spare time. Life is made to live to the complete fullest, you idiot. So, do it. Think about this, and how much time you have to live. Don't constantly be worrying that you don't have enough time left. Don't spend all your time thinking about the time that there is left, because you'll eventually just run out of time to do anything else. But, at least think about it, soon you'll be grown up, and will regret not having as much fun as possible when you were a kid. Have this conversation with me, or Trevor Vasher, or Bryan Patton, perhaps all three, and you'll be completely satisfied and simply amazed that such young males have such unique minds. Haha, you will also immideately wish to go spend the rest of your life being as awesome as I am, however, this is barely possible. But you could at least have a fufilling life to yourself.
I have some crazy theories, which we could also talk about. I've only had these types of conversations with few people. Sweet people. People that are interested. Sometimes I make an attempt to write something. Perhaps a song, a story, even. Check out my blogs yo. They're all songs or stories and all that cool stuff that I've written in somewhat recent times, just songs. Yes, or stories. They do mean something, and are all about one person or another. Maybe even numerous people, and rarely about nobody at all, but sometimes, nonetheless. Some are even sad, and some talk about how I am sad sometimes. But, I am so happy to be alive. so much more than I could ever begin to explain. And whoever you are, I would absolutely love it if you loved your life that much, too.
I'm probably crazy.
Probably even more crazy when I don't get any sleep. But I'm sweet...all the time. No matter what. yeah, and I rollerblade. Today (July 13th?, 2006) I 540'd this sweet twelve stair gap first try without even looking at it. =]
Dang, that felt cool.
Conclusion: oh yeah! I am the illest dancer around. soon to be the most well known super-human of the twenty first century. I have, in my possession, the hottest condiment on earth. yes. and you may think you can handle hot, but really you haven't even experienced it until this. and I love darts. my name is Ian and I am good at everything, (haha)...especially rollerblading. I am probably really sweet and amazing. I really like good fruit, and I'd love some right now. It seems I've built up a nice relationship with the fake man reading a newspaper at the top of the stairs by the people mover in detroit. Plus, I will beat you in dance dance revolution, guitar hero OR guitar hero 2, unless you're really REALLY a super hero. I'm not as cocky as I sound though, I'm mostly kidding. But i could probably even beat you in donkey conga. so...challenge me if you want your head to blow up. haha, oh yeah...I got second place in a guitar hero tournament one time, but I could have, and probably should have won. But it's okay, I'll win now. I like to play the keyboard and piano, and I do actually know how, but maybe one day soon I'll seriously take lessons. my screen name is p01sOn IV. I attended Harvard University for two years...with a follow up of attending suicide school for retired livers for a minute. I got sick of that...so I entered this rap game, which I've only been in for a second. (joke) shut up. haha, I love myself. You would love me, too. I can almost promise you that.
well, unless, of course...you suck at living. which is possible. And then I'll just pound you. haha, that's right. I feel I've explained perhaps the most important things about myself somewhere in this, while somewhere in my head i also feel like i could have done a better job. You COULD get to know more about me, everything maybe. I'm cool, weird, and insane. I love everything. Okay, bye... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Being friends with such good people, and meeting more good ones.
listen, if "Powahouse" wasn't too perfect, then my name on myspace would be TOASTface killuh.
but also,

good music, good movies, good people.
and rollerblading.

Guitar Hero!(all of 'em)
Nintendo Wii.
[trying to play the piano or keyboard, and being successful a good majority of the time.]
learning more and more everyday about everything. i have a "top 20" because that just sounds the best when you say it.

I'd like to meet:

people with all kinds of style.
and anybody who's cool, that i will like. i actually like alot of people now.

Lately, I've realized that alot of people, or at least some people will come and go in my life. So I wanted to say thanks to anybody who has ever, is currently, or will ever make an impact on my life. And I want to tell people that they're cool. All of them. I also wanted to say that i'm in love with life, and once again, Thank you to anybody making my life better, easier, more fun, or more entertaining. Even the bad people that are just so fun to laugh at. I love the world and anybody who's making it better. To everybody I know: let's keep in touch til' we're seventy. Bye.


Too much uhhhhh...some of it is: , !!!, 3 PM, freezepop, against me!, all time iquarterback!, architecture in helsinki, armor for sleep, Asphodel fields, at the drive-in, bear vs shark, bloc party, blonde redhead, boys night out, bright eyes, built to spill, bye-sex-u-all, coldplay, commander venus, commerce, cranium 12, cursive, daphne loves derby, darling be rational, dashboard confessional, death cab for cutie, def insanity, despareciados, the donovans, dresdon dolls, eisley, elliott smith, ettison clio, the endorphins, fischerspooner, freezepop, fugazi, further seems forever, the getaway!, head automatica, hello goodbye, freezepop, hollywood undead, hot summer haaaiiirrrr, i hate myself, john reuben, kimya dawson, kind of like spitting, ladytron, legion of doom, le tigre, meiko?, metric, midtown, mineral, modest mouse, the moldy peaches, mount sims, my chemical romance, new found glory, the notwist, otto vector, pedro the lion, piebald, plain white t's, playradioplay!, the prayers and tears of arthur digby sellars, q and not u, radiohead, reggie and the full effect, rilo kiley, rites of spring, rocky votolato, saetia, saves the day, since i was 8, sleater kinney, sparta, stiff muffinz!, styx!, sunny day real estate, taking back sunday, tegan and sara, thunderbirds are now!, the bravery, freezepop, the killers, the lion king, the lovely feathers, the madd brocticulant brigade, the most serene republic, the spill canvas, texas is the reason, the blood brothers, freezepop, the faint, the fire theft, the get up kids, the mars volta, the recital, the postal service, the promise ring, the shins, the white stripes, the yeah yeah yeahs, thursday, tilly and the wall, ugly cassanova, the zippers!!. and freezepop. haha. (too many.) every band on my friends list, pretty much. besides the ones that are funny that i added for a joke. and last but not least...Earth, Wind, and Facial Hair. Blisterine.
bands that used to be good like green day and shit, jiggah. they suck now though. freaks. (p.s. some say i'm the definition of hip-hop.)


Constantly seeing new movies that I love, so I've been done typing about new ones for a long time.
I probably own almost every movie you've ever seen or heard of...well, a few are: SORE THUMB. Samuel L. Jackson flix such as, SNAKES ON A PLANE (believe it or not, does actually deserve to be typed in capital letters.) Brick. Heavyweights, The girl next door, Can't hardly wait, 10 things I hate about you, Surf Ninjas, Airborne!, The Matrix one and two, Lord of the rings trilogy, Spaceballs, Teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie, Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2: Secret of the ooze, Teenage mutant ninja turtles 3, Mean girls, Thirteen going on thirty, Glory Daze, Cube, Hypercube, American Pie, American Pie 2, American Wedding, Mighty Morpin' Power Rangers The Movie, Jumanji, Dodge Ball, Brink!, Big Top Pee Wee, Night of the sentilals, Say it isn't so, Out cold, Idle Hands, Lots of rollerblading videos, Dumb and Dumber, UHF, Howard the Duck, The 6th man, Friday the thirteenth part all of them, Resident evil movies, Mallrats, Dogma, Clerks, Mac and Me, flight of the navigator, Back to the future part all of them, Lords of dogtown, Pearl Harbor, Punch Drunk Love, Igby Goes Down, Final Destination(s), Go!, The Notebook, Elizabethtown, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Saw, Saw 2, Thirteen, Employee of the month, 11:14, I Heart Huckabees, Death to Smoochy, The Shining, The Exorsist, Donnie Darko, Boy's don't cry, American History X. THE PSYCHOPATH REVIEW...MURDER AT CATTLEWOOD COTTAGE, ETC. actually just way too many. Boy Meets World complete set.


Grey's Anatomy!doug. double dare. gutz. legends of the hidden temple. i love will smith. cousin skeeter. salute your shorts. degrassi. rocko. the real world. tony little infomercials. the andy milonakis show. friends, seinfeld, full house, whose line is it anyway maybe, Home Improvement. Pee Wee's Playhouse, for sure. america's next top model, and the best for last...boy meets world


Oscar Wilde.

The Foot Book, faucets for dummies, autobiography of trevor.
Dictionary of Trevor Vasher Copyright 2006.
Vocabulary with Powahouse!


manduh porter =].
Babe Ruth.

Elliot Smith.


Kady with a D! (Daniel Machowicz, Ricky Quist, etc.) Master Chief.

My Blog

Girlfriend(s)... (old)

Inspired by my life.oh, and some girlfriends that i've had in the past. it was a long time ago now.(if you're confused when you read this, it makes sense. if you aren't, then it's possible that you've...
Posted by Powahouse! on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:51:00 PST

woke up at 5:30 AM to write this down before i forgot. i'm satisfied.

Although I love my life, this is like, well...i don't know.just some ill-matic stuff that i wrote down.i'm not sad about anything, don't let it make you think any otherwise. also, keep in mind that al...
Posted by Powahouse! on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 01:30:00 PST


Okay, listen...so i just watched this movie. "United 93". about september eleventh,and everything that happened on september eleventh. although, the main focus is on flight 93, and the attempt at hi...
Posted by Powahouse! on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

read this, it's the last blog i'll ever post, i think. (not REALLY)

k. wrote this. maybe it'll be like, a song soon, or something. a real one, perhaps.maybe not.All I need is for you to look at me, and tell me you like what you see.Just look at me and think that I'm a...
Posted by Powahouse! on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:44:00 PST

inspired by my weird mood and awesome friends.

This was a (long) conversation amanda porter and i had a while ago when she was dating her boyfriend still (jake cawley). which doesn't really have anything to do with it. but anyways, i love it....
Posted by Powahouse! on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 08:15:00 PST

Read this! and then Check the new CCA edit!

(scroll to bottom for edit)although, you may be looking for a rollerblading video if you opened this, i first have to do this: at this point, from all of myspaces annoying advertisement/game things......
Posted by Powahouse! on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:07:00 PST

late night walks, and long talks... (have nothing to do with this.)

first...not that anybody cares, but all songs that are taken off of this when i put new ones on are still written in my notebook.just incase you were interested in knowing.even though you probably wer...
Posted by Powahouse! on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:54:00 PST

read about my thoughts? =]

May 20th, 2006So I've realized that my mind holds too much information and too many facts.It's to the point that I'm constantly remembering things, and constantly forgetting more things.And during th...
Posted by Powahouse! on Sun, 21 May 2006 06:41:00 PST

please me. (Transcription, Translation.)

Ten blog limit.this is a combination of the two most recent writings. haha.and i don't know the title of this one. but...I figure we must have gotten luckybecause our lives are just too easy.I figure ...
Posted by Powahouse! on Thu, 04 May 2006 07:51:00 PST

Song. new one, I guess. I like it.

Title: I don't know yet. Hour to hour,Day to day,...Our world is slowly turning,and I am slowly learning how fast the time really goes by. Seconds turn to minutes, and minutes somehow turn to years......
Posted by Powahouse! on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 08:19:00 PST