Duffy profile picture


rarely clever on purpose

About Me

First off: I swear I'm not half as smug as my pictures might suggest. I just have this thing where I can only make two or three faces in front of a camera, all of which are some variation on a general theme of "douchebag". I'm a nerd of many colors: word nerd, book nerd, music nerd... you get the idea. You could say I'm a right-brainer, although it might be more accurate to say I'm a left-brainer whose penchant for overanalysis has driven me to seek solace in abstraction.
UPDATE: upon review by a jury of my peers, it has been brought to my attention that I am, in fact, at least twice as smug as my pictures would suggest. My bad!
I have the dubious distinction of being the inevitable target of any "emo" jokes made within forty feet. I blame my pheromones. Maybe I've got pherEMOnes.
Did I mention that I have a wonderful sense of humor? No, seriously. Say the words "liquour", or "poker", or just about anything that ends in "-er" around one of my close friends, and see if they don't yell "BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW ER!!"
Yeah, that was me. I'm like Typhoid Mary for bad jokes. All that aside, I've been known to write the odd poem, and I do spend a lot of time gazing at my shoes...

My Interests

I'm open to anything that I find intellectually, spiritually, or emotionally enriching: good friends, good music, and beauty that sneaks into your life in the most unexpected places.
Other things I enjoy: writing (short prose and short stories, mostly), boxing (not competitive, I just beat a bag), conversation (duh), people-watching, being so ironic it's no longer ironic, crafting creative epithets

I'd like to meet:

Specifically, and dead: Richard Brautigan, Kahlil Gibran, Chris Whitley
Specifically, and alive: Salman Rushdie, John Fowles, Stephen Hawking
I don't friend everyone I get requests from. I'm always interested in meeting people who have something intellectually or spiritually engaging to offer, who have an interesting perspective or consuming passion. I value character, ethics, and intellect in my friendships... I'm too old for drama and people who are ruled by their insecurities.

Note: The background image for my page is "Basilica 4" copyright 2004 Paul 'Duke' Paetz. He has a bunch of other great work at:


I tend mostly toward shoegaze/noise-pop and organic, glitchy IDM. Here's the short list:The Album Leaf
Aphex Twin
The Arcade Fire
The Autumns
Azure Ray
Blonde Redhead
Bright Eyes
Chris Whitley
The Cure
The Decemberists
Depeche Mode
Explosions in the Sky
The Flashbulb
Iron & Wine
Lali Puna
Love Spirals Downwards
The Mars Volta
Mice Parade
My Bloody Valentine
National Skyline
Neutral Milk Hotel
Nine Inch Nails
The Notwist
The Postal Service
Sigur Ros
Tiki Obmar
Toad the Wet Sprocket
Tori Amos
The Veils
Wolf Parade
The Wrens


I enjoy movies, but film isn't an art form I consider myself particularly knowledgeable about. I like a lot of independent and foreign films, but I'm not entirely immune to the siren call of dumb action movies.
Above all, I really like films that are visually stunning and convey a sense of poignance. A good soundtrack will redeem a shitty movie for me every time.
I have a thing for subtle science fiction films like Gattaca, Code 46, and Solaris, and I really like schizoid stuff like Fight Club and The Last Minute.


Eh, not so much. I'll watch a good series when it comes out on DVD sometimes.


I read a lot... I'd have to say that Richard Brautigan is my favorite author, closely followed by John Fowles.
I have, in the past, really enjoyed Bukowski, Camus, Mark Danielewski, Andre Dubus, Sebastian Faulks, Kahlil Gibran, William Gibson, Kafka, Kerouac, Gregory Maguire, Thomas Mann, Nietzsche, Chuck Palahniuk, Salman Rushdie, Ayn Rand, Sartre, and Vonnegut.


I don't really believe in having heroes.

My Blog

and now for something positive.

...and by positive, I'm not referring to "yes, I spent half of my Sunday BLOGGING ON MYSPACE" because that's about as lame as a three-legged racehorse.No, I'm referring to the nifty little flash app y...
Posted by Duffy on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:49:00 PST