From our humble beginnings in 1939 as All-American Airways delivering air-mail to Western Pennsylvania and the Ohio Valley using single engine Stinson Reliant aircraft, to 2006 we have grown to become one of America 's great success stories.
Unlike other airlines, All-American Airways quickly grew into Allegheny Airlines, US Air, and finally US Airways via buy outs and mergers. US Airways has a rich culture and colorful history as one of America 's great airlines. There have been triumphs and setbacks, but with the support of our loyal customers and hard working employees we have grown to become the fifth largest airline.
Read about the individual airline histories of Allegheny, Lake Central , Mohawk, Empire, PSA, Piedmont , Trump Shuttle, and America West that form today's US Airways.
Empire Airlines
Mohawk Airlines
Lake Central Airlines
Allegheny Airlines
We dedicate this series to past and present employees and to you, our valued customer. Thank you for flying the new US Airways.