Radio, an insidious form, helps shape your thoughts making you conform
Programming music easy listening, help you achieve that moronic grip
Playing you regurgitated pap, selling products that are mostly crap
Rarely hearing music you want to hear, it has an effect over all these years
Why don't you think for yourself
Live in this self made Hell
Television, the idiot tube, helps to raise our children as fools
.Watch the news see what they want you to see, our awareness is limited by network VPs
Moronic sit-coms and one-sided news alter your feeling give you conformist views
Why can't you get that garbage out of your head, you'd be better off to read a good book instead
Newspapers, what do they say, Not much I think when they want school kids to pray
Getting the facts from some daily news, you hate the system but adhere to its views
Blaming the dead because they can't complain, shielding officials holding them above blame
You'd better wake up and see what's plain to see, or end up a willing part of the machine
Se mia koinwnia pou xarazoume thn parakmi ths,pou ola ta ais8imata einai 3eperasmena, ta idanika mikri ipo8esi, se enan planiti pou einai outopia, se ena planiti xwris mellon, ekei pou vasilevei h apa8eia, ekei pou kai h teleftea morfi adidrasis paei na e3alif8ei, o an8rwpos kai h proswpikotita tou pernun ton dromo gia to teliko olokaftwma.
Sovara mmou thn dinune sxedon ola ta atoma edw mesa.
...Ta niata einai apo thn fisi tous agna trifera kai a8wa. otan DEN einai etsi ftaine pavta oi alloi...
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