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My Story

Name: Blaise Zabini
Location: Hogwarts
Age: 17
Occupation: Still at school
Song playing on page: Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner
A boy like Blaise Zabini isn't one who can be described easily. There are many mysteries surrounding his life and his past which maybe only he can reveal. He is a boy with many secrets and doesn't let anybody in close enough to let them see the real him. Not even his stunningly beautiful mother understands or knows him.

B laise has led a life of excess and indulgence which has left him spoilt and arrogant. People who meet him are taken in by his charms and his elegance, and he knows exactly how to manipulate people to get what he wants, just like his mother.
Z erina Zabini, a woman with breathtaking beauty, has something which makes men fall over themselves to please her and attempt to win her for themselves. She has married seven times, each marriage ending in tragedy. All the men she has taken for her husband have died or disappeared in mysterious circumstances, leaving behind a great deal of wealth and riches. Some have started to believe her cursed, but once under the spell of her beauty, no one can resist her, or escape her.
B laise never knew his father and it is still uncertain whether it was one of the men Zerina married or an affair during one of these marriages that resulted him being born. Despite this, Blaise never felt deprived of a father. Many men walked in and out of his life through his mother, though they never paid much attention to him, only having eyes for her. Instead they gave him everything he wanted and more, to keep him happy.
W ith no brothers or sisters, and a mother who paid little attention to him, Blaise grew up a lonely boy with only his toys for company. As he grew older, he was given freedom that other boys his age could only wish for. He could do what he wanted and he had unlimited funds to do so. He had people running around after him, abiding his every command, not daring to defy him. He had inherited something from his father, something his mother certainly hadn’t given him, his temper and his intolerance. If something wasn’t done quickly enough, or how he wanted it, there were no second chances. The maid or the cook would be fired and if the crime was bad enough, Blaise would take measures to ensure they would never work again.
D espite the lack of authority in his life, Blaise was a quiet boy though while not shy, he kept himself to himself and did not involve himself with other people his age, preferring to spend his time alone. When his mother held one of her many parties in the manor, he would stand in a corner with his drink and observe everyone attending though his long, slanting eyes.

B laise had always known he was going to attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was where his mother had gone and where she had told him he was going. Though, when the letter arrived by owl a month before his first term was due to begin, he had been slightly disappointed. He enjoyed his life at his rich manor, lonely though it was. He didn’t want to leave it for a school where he would have to follow rules and wear a uniform and actually have to interact with other people. Every time he had thought about it, there had been a feeling of dread in his stomach.
T he days had passed by and the time had grown closer to when he would have to leave his comfortable home to go to Hogwarts for a year, yet still, Blaise had not got his school supplies. He had wanted to put it off for as long as possible, before he had to leave. Eventually, with only a week to go, Zerina had been forced to take time from her busy social life and get his equipment for him.
Blaise had looked at all the neatly wrapped parcels which contained everything he would need for the upcoming year at Hogwarts, from his new cauldron, to his robes, to his wand and for the first time, a spark of excitement flared up in him. He was going to learn magic.

B laise sat with the sorting hat on his head, waiting, anxiously to see what house he would be sorted into. His mother had told him he would be in Slytherin, like all his family before him, though this wasn’t enough to reassure him. Who knows? He might not have the talent, the ambition or the cunning to be in Slytherin. He couldn’t bear the shame if he were to be put in Hufflepuff. The hat murmured in his ear, sorting through his thoughts, his desires, everything. Then…“Slytherin!” He had made it. With butterflies still in his stomach, he walked over to the Slytherin table and sat among his fellow housemates as they applauded and cheered. On the outside he appeared calm and strong, but on the inside, he was so relieved to be sitting at the Slytherin table, rather than the Hufflepuff one.
T he boy he had chosen to sit beside, without really realizing was Draco Malfoy. He had met him a briefly a couple of times before when their mothers had met for dinners and parties, but they had never been anything more than acquaintances. This was about to change. Draco and Blaise became good friends, though not close ones. Blaise was still reluctant to let anyone in and he wasn’t making any exceptions. Not even for Draco…

A lthough Blaise had been concerned about coming to Hogwarts, he settled down quickly getting used to finding his way around the school. He was a bright student, though his imperious ways made it hard for teachers to like him. Blaise, being an unsociable character, preferring his own company to those of his housemates, found it difficult to form friendships with his fellow pupils. Those in his house found him to be spoilt and selfish. This would not have bothered most for they were mostly from the same background and had the same qualities, but this, mixed in with his superiority to everyone else in the house, made it hard for any body to get along with him. The only people to stick by him in his first year were Draco and Ebony Rookwood.

H aving always had a weakness for beautiful objects, Blaise, as he reached his seventeenth birthday, extended this weakness to beautiful women. Unable to resist his mother's beautiful friends, he used his charms and elegant ways to attract any woman he so desired. His mother never knew. This also included his time at Hogwarts. There wasn’t such a fine choice within the school but every so often a girl would catch his eye and he would romance her and treat her like royalty, showering her with gifts and compliments until he became bored, and he would let her go. He never fell in love with the girls he was with. It was more a game with him, a game to catch the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts and make them his. He always treated them with respect, never hurting them until, he let them go.

N ow, in his 6th year, he had found his place within Hogwarts. He hasn’t changed much from when he first came to the school, yet there is something different about him. Perhaps it is just that he has grown older, or maybe it’s something more…nobody knows for sure. He has friends, not friends with whom he can confide in, not like his journal, but friends all the same. He is achieving good grades in all his subjects, especially Defense the Dark Arts, which he finds most fascinating and after school? Who knows where he’ll end up…My Words

13th April 08, My Bedroom

I think this idea's stupid. Writing my thoughts and feelings into a book? Why would people do that? What's wrong with thinking them and keeping them in your head? That way nobody will ever know what you're thinking. Writing thoughts down in a book is just inviting trouble. It was my mothers idea. Apparently I need an 'outlet'.
So she bought me this stupid book. I probably won't write in here again.
72 words. What.A.Waste.
13th May 08, My Bedroom
Yes, I know I said I wouldn't write in here again but here I am. I was packing my stuff and found it at the bottom of the trunk where I threw it the last time I picked it up. I've no idea what made me actually decide to write in it. It had better not be enchanted.
I'm packing because I am finally returning to Hogwarts after my 9 month absence. It's time for me to go back. I wonder what rumours arose from my disappearance. It shall be interesting to find out.
I don't like admitting this but I've missed those people who I became friends with while I was there. I never expected to make any when I first went. I'm going to finish packing.
128 words
14th May, Boys Dorm, Hogwarts
Yep, you read right, I'm back at Hogwarts. Perhaps for a longer period of time than last time. I've managed to avoid people so far but I don't know for how much longer. Maybe I'll be able to just slip in quietly and nobody will notice or care that I'm back? Ha, unlikely. I am the infamous Blaise Zabini after all.
Being back really brings back some old memories although I've promised myself I won't think about her. Too much has happened and we will both have moved on. I'll just need to keep my eye out for someone new to occupy me for a while...
106 words. Maybe this isn't such a waste afterall.
16th May, Sytherin Common Room, Hogwarts
Things have been so weird being back here. I've not managed to catch up with everyone yet but with those I have, it's been great. Although it has been kind of awkward trying to answer their questions about where I've been for the past 9 months though I've just told them a little about the places I travelled to and what I learned there. They've been good about not prying into why I went there.
I met R again yesterday. I've not seen her in so long and I'm glad I ran into her. It's been nice catching up with her and finding out what she's been doing since the last time I saw here. Hopefully we won't lose touch again.
I've still not seen C. I've heard rumours that she's not around anymore. Maybe that's a good thing. It means I can concentrate on my real friends.
148 words. A boy writing a diay, who'd have thought?Music

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Founder: Salazar Slytherin
Colours: Green and Silver
Animal: Serpant
Head of House: Severus Snape
Ghost: Bloody Baron
House Secrets: The Chamber or Secrets, where the basilisk lies...
Perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends...The Dark Arts

As a child, I grew up surrounded by the Dark Arts. My mother, being in Slytherin, always had an interest there, and our manor was filled with books with images of people being twisted into gruesome shapes and lists of spells which would turn someone inside-out. I was allowed to look at these books at leisure, so instead of your usual fairy tale story about a girl in a red hood going to give cookies to her grandmother, I read about people being tortured and killed, manipulated for the spell-users own enjoyment...

Even after starting at Hogwarts, I continued my reading and researching, determined to find out everything I could about the Darks Arts, though I had to be careful as most of these books were banned in the school, or were in the restricted section of the library. I would have to sneak into it in the dead of night, to take the books I wanted. It was dangerous, but the spells I learned from them would be useful, someday...Credit

Photograph by Cowboy
Layout by Ale Creations Fix my world.

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