freak'in_music profile picture


i wIsH i CaN fLy ..I wiSh I cAn..tell HIm...

About Me

Layout made by kikyopoet

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname MeYmEy, angah
Sex gUrL
Eye Color BrOwN
Hair Color LiTtlE BrOwN..
Height 150..sHoRt mA!!!
Favorite Color BlAcK N BlUe
Your Car No CaR
Your Hometown BaKoNg ToWn Of pAlAcE..
Your Present Town ROPrepublic of pekaka
Your Crush's First Name RyU
Your Style mUsLiMaH FuNkY..


Band UnDeR sOuL
Pastime loT 10

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop nO
Kissed someone in the rain No
Danced in a public place YuP
Smiled for no reason eVeRYtImE
Laughed so hard you cried HaHa..I uSe tO Do iT..
Written a song yUp
Sang to someone for no reason HaW3!!!
Performed on a stage yUp
Talked to someone you don't know AlWayS..
Made out in a theater YuP..
Gone roller skating since 8th grade YuP..
Been in love yUp...
A near death experience eVeRyDaY..ha3!!
Sang in front of a large audience no

...Can You...

Write with both hands yUp..
Whistle NO..noT EnoUgH aIR..
Blow a bubble No
Roll your tongue Erm..i LiKE..
Cross your eyes ?
Touch your tongue to your nose neVeR! euw...
Dance yup..
Speak a different language yup..
Impersonate someone yup..sometime..
Cook anything little2 simple only..

...Are you...

Fighter yup..always
Smoker say NO
Drinker no WAY..
Stalker NO
Man eater NO
Man hater NO
Lover yup
War freak yup
Heartbreaker no
In love no
Bossy no
Friendly yup


What is your current mood? complicated
Does your crush like you back? always..
What makes you happy? jamming..
Elaborate on your default photo euw,,
Name one thing you do a lot sleep
Name someone with the same b-day as you ?
Are you comfortable with your height yup

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... BUSH...i will not going to attack IRAQ!!!
I wish ... my dream came true
So many people don't know ... i like to cry
I am ... crazy DRIVER
My heart is ... broken deep..
Pet Peeves ... ?
Take this survey @! free layouts

My Interests

noVeL mUsIc GUitAR dRum HaRrY pOrTeR rIvEr sKAte fRiDaY'S NiGhT mArKet TRAvEl pOeM DaNce CuTiE Guy TrAnSnAtIoNAl CoAcHes bUsTop aT pB iNn aNd i iNtErEsTED tO knOW U [MuUaH...]^^

I'd like to meet:

nO idEa yEt!!%D%A%D%A%D%A


[do u know what music mean to ur soul? hear this.. this is part of some1 soul.. if ur tear just come over ur eyes.. let it down wif no fear..]PaNic AT tHe DIsCo mYchEm rOmAnCe RaScAl AvRil ScAR kOrEa n JaPaN Drama INstrUMeNTAl gArAsI GlAy SimPLe plAN HiLaRy AnD MUch2 MoRE lA..


rEmPit ErAgOn UnSeEaBle AnT bUlLy lEs cHoIrEs sInKinG oF jApAn pRImEVaL NARUtO MaTeRiAl gUrL ChEePeR by tHe doZeN MuKhSiN hArRy pOrtEr PIrAtEs of tHe cArRaBIeN


HoChAk !!! sTep FoRWaRD !!! aMeRIcAn INvEsTOr fEaR FaCtoR ExPlORaCe N AmAzINg RaCE surVIvoR


My GrEeN DiAry pEnVeL FrOm NiD UnDeR18 cHeAp shoT BOdyGuArD.CoM ElI ilUsI ReMaJa CosMOPOLiTaN My CoLlECTioN OF nOveL CLEO


RaSulULLAh s.a.W,My DaD,my MUm, mY brO AnD HiM

My Blog

Kecantikan Lelaki & Kegagahan Wanita

Kecantikan LelakiKecantikkan seorang lelaki bukankepada rupa fizikal tetapipada murni rohaniLelaki yang cantik.....................Adalah lelaki yang mampu mengalirkanairmata untuk ingatan,Adalah lela...
Posted by [GuRlFrEnZ] on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:36:00 PST


DIALOG RASULULLAH DENGAN IBLIS Rasullullah S.A.W pernah bertanya kepada iblis, "Wahai Iblis! Apakah ikhtiarmu ke atas umatku.Aku telah dibangkitkan utk menyelamatkan semua umat manusia agar beriman k...
Posted by [GuRlFrEnZ] on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:03:00 PST

<TEaR maChInEs>

diz poem i dedicate to all of u who view diz..   ada tangisan kecil... yang ingin memeluk hati...  semilir kalau mampu dihenti... pasti aku x kan lari... pasti aku x kan lari... pasti a...
Posted by [GuRlFrEnZ] on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:31:00 PST

get ur sOul..

ari ney aku disedarkan oleh lec aku akan satu hal yg banyak orang lupa.. dia cakap 'u want 2 know whats wrong with ur life?',then she ask again 'ever u feel so angry bcoz of nothing?'..aku blur..x tau...
Posted by [GuRlFrEnZ] on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:20:00 PST

my 2day life..

2day is sunday..hehehe aku agak bosan ari ni coz kazen aku ati da blik sp,klu x mesti ada2 je yg aku ngn dia nak buat sepanjang ari sampai kekadang x cukup ari..ari ni aku da on9 nk dekat 4 jam lebih,...
Posted by [GuRlFrEnZ] on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 02:26:00 PST