likes: classic literature. the sounds of a thunderstorm. performances that make your spine tingle. the truth. Broadway musicals. baby penguins. movies with unexpected endings. warm summer rainstorms. snowball fights. Southern sweet tea. the sound of a cat purring. first kisses (and kisses that feel like them). friends that are years old. cutting people off on the highway. eating chocolate truffles. walking through a mall for no reason.dislikes: mushrooms. hornets/wasps. the sound of silverware on a plate. parking garages. the feel of scratchy material. my sore shoulders. the movie: the family man. the taste of milk. romance novels. friends who suddenly disappear. people who don't speak their mind. lies. being wet after playing in the snow. skiing. rulers that aren't really straight though they look like they are.
People who love to smile.
see what i'm listening to now..
I'm an addict.
Law&Order SVU, Law&Order (seasons before Jerry Orbach died), House, Jeopardy, Survivor, NFL Football, Entourage, Scrubs, Boy Meets World.I honestly don't watch much TV on TV. Thank you downloads.
"I could no sooner choose a favourite star in the heavens"
"With all it's shame drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world."
Martha Woolery