Over and above everything WWE has the crown as the thing I am most interested in, other things like imaging, gadgets, art, design, clothes, cinema all come in there too! Have recently enjoyed my hideous attempts at singing and dancing too, dance like no ones watching and sing like no ones listening. Good times!
Id like to meet more friends my sort of age who arent so annoying I want to chew my own hand off (I dont deal well with competition) but who have enough individuality and spark that I can click with easily and chat to for ages about the most obscure of things!
My top friends is in no order othr then: gays, girls then the rest.
I'd also like friends who take the time and make the effort.
Also being really anal I have to say people who post more then 3 bulletins a day really get on my tits. I don't know why but the do. It's a thing.
I think I can best describe it as anything except gargage, rap and r&b. Chav shite basically or music to clean your Reeboks to! I could list all the artists I like but I don't think people care that much really.
Being a Jew (Orange Wednesdays!) I go to the Cinema a lot now. I saw the Last Stand and it was awesome, oh to have the power to turn some of you to dust would be amazing but hey ho I don't so I'll just have to settle for listening to your bullshit and thinking of ways to kill you and make it look like an accident!
Of all current live shows I adore Heroes, it fucking rocks, was sad when Simone died and also findout Hiro's dad is in charge of Mr Bennett? Genius. Family Guy and American Dad kick ass too and I hope Lost starts delivering soon. Supernatural is starting to fucking suck.
Reading Hannibal Rising...
But I do like to get stuck into a biography and get into peoples heads so read what you will from that.
Also JK Rowling, I think I could write a better book then you as I turn on my heel to leave looking incredulously at you.
Best thing on TV ever.