Re-hizzle profile picture


Some random freshman asked my name and decided to call me bob

About Me

Re-Hizzle's Guide to Procrastination: Step 1. Figure out when something is due Step 2: -(in progress, come back later)-

My Interests

Tennis (fo sho!) Some other things. Oh! I love getting weird dreams! I had this one about turning into a human spider and hanging from a cobweb i made on the ceiling cos i was bored! Idunno why, but ive had this sudden urge to make films recently


Last.Fm Top Weekly Artists


L'auberge Espagnole (amazing movie!!), Kung Pow (oh man!), Enter the Dragon (sound effects are So AWESOME!). Fight Club (It opened my eyes!) There are some other movies i saw recently too, but i cant remember them :(


The Simpsons :D And Family Guy!


One of my goals in life is to sit atop ol' Abe's lap and get a picture taken (without getting shot).

My Blog

Wild Nights, Pleasant Dreams (or is it the other way around?)

Dreams, Dreams, Go Away/ Come Back Again Another Day...I've been havin way too many dreams lately. Not really, but Ive had too many weird dreams in a short period of time. Okay, I've had 2 within 2 we...
Posted by Re-hizzle on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:26:00 PST