music, sports, graphic design, tattoos, cars, big trucks, outdoors, indoors, swimming, relaxing, women, NEWCASTLE and GUINNESS beers and again drink anything, intelligent conversations, dumb conversations, being silly, basically everything, ill adapt
anyone, it dont matter, as long as you like to party, cool sexy people, anyone who is interested in being my friend is welcome
almost everything, i would dance to any type of music, i would listen to any type too, but i wouldnt buy some of the music that we listen today, so i stick to almost everything, oh and specially the bands that i have on my profile, everyone of them are awesome, thats why i have them
the same as music, ill even watch chick flicks if i have to, im a sport, so i dont complain about anything
dont watch it anymore, well sometimes i watch orange county choppers, mtv but only the music videos, vh1, and anything that has to do with sports or extreme sports i might add
ill sit down and read a good book once in a while, but most of all i read design magazines
Avenged Sevenfold for bringin' Rock back