"iN tHe sTuDio"
*(rEcEnT pRoJeCtS & rEcOrDinGs)***Marco Antonio Solis***Rahsaan Patterson (cHriStMaS CD-to be released 2o08)***Michelle Williams (dEsTiNy cHiLd)***LaTina Webb***Eric Benet***Keith Crouch (hUmAn RhYtHm pRoDuCtiOnS)***Ricky Jones***Beyounce***Sy Smith***DeBora Simmons-Edmondson (gOsPeL)***Rodney Jerkins (dArK cHiLd pRodUctIonS)***Halifax***Steve Gray***Ty & Kory (nEw aRTiSt-pRoMoTioNaL tOuR)***..
*(All photographs in the Marco Antonio Solis strip by Donnell Spencer Jr. for "Honey Look Photography")
..............tO tHe www.myspace.com/derrickedmondson wEbSitE! fiRsT, LeT mE sAy, "mUcH LoVe tO eAcH aNd eVeRy oNe oF yOu & i aPpReciAtE yOu tAkiNg tHe tiMe tO sToP tHrOuGh". pLeAsE lEaVe mE a cOmmEnT, cHeCk oUt mY mp3's & ViDeOs aNd mOsT iMpoRtAntLy mArK tHiS sPoT aS a fAvOrItE aNd sToP thRouGh aS oFteN aS yOu cAn.......i pRoMisE tO keEp iT nEw & hOt!
tHoSe oF yOu tHAt kNoW mE aRe aWaRe tHaT mY cReDiTs iNcLuDe rEcOrDinGs aS a pRoDuCer, sAxOphOniSt, hOrN & vOcAl aRraNgEr, sOnGwRiTeR, kEybOaRdiSt & dRuM pRoGraMmEr. i'M veRy pRoUd oF tHe oPpoRtUniTiEs 'GOD' sCriPtEd fOr mY rOLe iN liFe. i'Ve pOsTeD mAnY pHoTo/viDeO iMaGeS oF sOmE oF tHe pRoJecTs i wAs fOrTuNaTe eNouGh tO bE iNvOLvEd iN. (i invite u 2 take a look)
iN 2008: mY dAy-2-dAy cOnSiSt oF rEcOrdINg sOnGs oR hOrNs/aRRanGemEntS 4 sOmE oF tOdAys hOttEsT prOdUcErS & aRTiSt. dEVeLopIng nEw aRtiSt 4 mY pRoDuCtiOn cOmpAnY (soul satellite entertainment) & i hAvE a hOt sMoOtH jAzZ/reTrO bAnD tHaT hAs beEn tAkiNg tHe LoS aNgELeS/iNLaNd eMpiRe & aUsTiN/sAn aNtOniO aReAs bY sTorM! (check the posted schedule & join us)
sOmE nEw eXpEriEnCeS hAvE cRoSsEd mY pAtH iN tHe LasT fEw yEaRs tHaT hAvE sPaRkEd a nEw iNteReSt. i wAs bLeSSed tO sHaRe tHe sTaGe wiTh 3rd fOrCe, jEfF LoRbEr, pEtEr wHiTe, dWigHt siLLs, riCk bRaUn, bRiAn BrOmbErG, tOnY gEuRreRo, pAuL jAcKsOn jR & gEoRgE dUkE aNd iT bRouGht tO mY aTTeNtIoN aN aUdiEnCe i nEvEr kNeW eXiSteD. tHiS iS mY gOaL, mY aDvEnTuRe, mY dRivE....tHis hAs bEcOme mY dReam!!! i wAnT tO bE a vErY sUcCesSfUl & rEsPecTeD "sMoOth JazZ aRtiSt".
wHiLe bAcKinG sOmE oF tHeSe sMootH jAzZeRs aT sOmE oF tHe wOrLdS mOsT fAmOus jAzZ fEstiVaLs aNd cOncErt haLL pErForManCeS i wiTnEsSeD a sEa oF fAnS aNd jAzZ LOvErs dAnciNg, bUyiNg cOmpAcT diSc & mErcHanDiSe aNd LiNiNg uP bY tHe tHouSanDs tO gEt aN aUtOgRaPh!...... I tHiNk i'M iN LoVe....(ooh....sexy, sexy jazz)
i rEmEmbEr aS a tEEn, i aSkeD aNd reCeiVed tiCkEts tO seE "cHuCk MaNgiOnE" LiVe iN cOnCerT. hE sOlD oUt aUsTiNs "eRwIn cEnTer" aNd iT wAs aS eXciTiNg aS wiTneSsiNg aN "Earth, Wind & Fire"pRoDucTioN. wHaT i MoSt aDmiRed oF ChuCks sHoW wAs hOw hE sHarEd tHe sTagE. iNdEEd mAnGIoNe wRoTe tHe sONgS.....bUt hE wRoTe HiS cOmpOsitiOns wiTh tHe mOsT briLLiaNt mELoDiEs aNd rEcOrDeD tHeM wiTh jUst tHe riGhT 'tAkEs' & 'pErFoRmaNcEs'! cHuCk miGhT pLaY tHe fiRsT vErsE on fLugEl hOrN bUt a nEw iNteRpaTaTiOn oF tHe sAme iNcrEdiBLe mElOdY wOuLd bE pLaYed tHe sEcOnd tiMe bY 'cHriS vAdALa' (sax) oR sMoOtH jAzZ fAvOriTe 'gRaNt giEsSmAn' oN gUiTaR. BoTh sOLos LiVe aNd oN tHe rEcOrDinGs wErE pErFecT aNd mELoDy dRiVeN. tHiS iS a cOnCepT...tHaT i hAvE emBrAcEd wiTh tHe pRojEct i'M pReSenTlY wRiTiNg aNd rEcOrDinG.
aNotHer aRtiSt tHat i hAvE aLwAyS lOveD aNd hAs aLwAyS iNflUencEd mY sOng-WriTinG aNd ProDucTion iS tHe gReAt "sTeViE wOnDeR". 97% oF tHe sOnGs sTeViE hAs wRiTTeN cAn oR aLrEaDy hAs bEEn cOvEreD aS aN iNsTruMenTaL. iF yOu sTriP tHe lYriC aWay.... (which no one should do....becasuse....they are true perfection--bravo!).....yOu sTiLL hAvE a sMaSh HiT. 'sTeVie' hAs a lOcK oUt ..rS 'oNe' & 'tWo' iN mY 'CD pLaYeR' 4 LiFe.....bEcAuSe hE rEpReSentS........ 'LoVe & pOsitIviTy....aNd You hEaR iT iN hiS mUsiC. eVeRy sOng hAd a PurPose...bE iT.......'LoVe, jUsT-a ParTy jAm, pOLiTiCs, dOmEsTiC aBuSe, nEw bOrnS, hOpE oR wRitiNg a mAsTerPiEcE tHaT pLaYed a mAjOr rOle iN "tHe MaRtiN LUthEr kiNg hOLiDaY" bEcOmiNg ReALiTy'. stEviE cOmPoSed tHeM aLL.....& eVeRy sOnG wOuLd fiT LiKe 'hAnD iN gLoVe' iN tHe mAke uP oF wHaT wE kNow aS 'sOme oF tHe gReaTeSt cOmpiLaTiOns Of sOngS oF oUr lIfe TiMe'.
wHeN i cOnsIDeR wHat i wOulD iNcOrpRate fRom tHe 'GrEaT gEniUs' iN tHe mAkinG oF mY nU wOrKs. fiRst, hiS rEspEcT 4 meLodiEs. hiS gReaTnEss iN hOrN aRRaNgiNg & hiS wiLLingNesS tO bE diFfeRenT. 'sTeVie' rEaLLy eXpEriMenTeD wiTh sOuNds aNd iNstRumEntS tHat wErE nOt cOnsiDer aS TyPiCaL 4...'r & B'.....bOtH...'tHeN & nOw'. wHeN rAdiO & aRtiSt wErE hEaDinG oNe DiReCtiOn...'sTeViE' wEnT aNoTheR. 'SteViE' mUcH LiKe 'sTeElY dAn' oR 'tHe BeAtLeS' woULd uSe LiVe hOrNs, cOuNtrY wEsTeRn iNsTrUmeNts, fULL oRcHeStrAs & gOsPeL cHoIrS...aLL oNcE aGaiN......dRivEn bY sTrOnG, sExY mELodiEs! yOu beTTeR bELiEvE......tHiS cOncEpT iS uNdEr rEviEw----O-T-H-E-R-!
i'M mOrE eXciTed tHaN eVeR...aBoUt tHe SaXoPhoNe, mY iNcRediBLe bAnD & aNd wHat tHe fUtUrE hOldS!?! vErY sOOn i WiLL pOsT tHe fiRst soNg cOmPlEtEd & i nEEd 2 hEaR fRoM U! ComMent, coMmEnt....CoMMeNt! StaY tUnEd & eNjOy!
*****EPK cOmiN sOoN***EPK cOmiN sOOn***EPK cOmiN sOOn***** (from right to left) Derrick Edmondson...................WoodwindsBen Dowling............................Piano & Keyboards
Xavier Marshall........................Drums
David Scott.............................Acoustic & Electric Guitar
Rob McDonald..........................Bass Guitar
Rahsaan Patterson - "Wines & Spirits" - Artstry MusicElliot Yamin - "Elliott Yamin" - Hickory Records
American Idol - "Season 5" - The Finalist-RCA Records
Seven - ""Home" - Nation Music
Derrick Edmondson - "The Gemini" - Soul Satellite Ent.
Brandy - "Brandy" - Atlantic Records
Ray J - "Everything you want" - East/West Records
Chaka Khan - "Epiphany" - Reprise Records
Tevin Campbell - "Back to the World" - Qwest/Warner
Nona Gaye - "Love for the Future" - Atlantic Records
The Winans - "Heart & Soul" - Qwest/Warner Records
Deborah Cox - "Deborah Cox" - Arista Records
Montell Jordan - "This is how we do it" - Def Jam
Montell Jordan - "Somethin 4 da honeyz" - (Remix) Def Jam
Montell Jordan - "Def Jam 10th Anniversary" - Def Jam
Vesta - "Relationships" - Polygram Records
The O'jays - "White men can't jump" - *sound track EMI
Kenny Lattimore - "Kenny Lattimore" - Columbia
Kenny Lattimore - "Just what it takes" - (Remix) Columbia
Wayman Tisdale - "Power Forward" - MoJazz
Chante Moore - "A Love Supreme" - Silas/MCA
Kyle Turner - "Sincerely Yours" - Lykyla Records
Kyle Turner - "KT3" - Lykyla Records
Rahsaan Patterson - "Hoodlum" - *sound track-EMI
Maxwell - "Matrimony:Maybe You" - (Remix) Columbia
Lalah Hathaway - "Let me love you" - (Remix) Virgin
Land Richards - "Somethin' Happens" - IIWII Music
Alexander O'neal - "Love makes no sense" - Tabu-
The Good Girls - "Just call me" - Motown
Boyz II Men - "Inner City Blues" - Motown
Boyz II Men - "The Remix Collection" - Motown
Stevie Wonder - "Tommorrow Robins will sing" - Motown
Chris Standring - "Hip Sway" - Instinct Records
Solar System - "Solar System" - Sonic Images
Jerome Jackson - "Lets Fall in Love" - House Records
Jody Watley - "Affection" - Avitone/Bellmark Records
Jody Watley - "Flower" - Atlantic Records
Jody Watley - "Saturday Night Experience" - Universal
Jody Watley - "Affection" - (Remix) Avitone/Bellmark
Dana Le Blanc - "Just Me" - Fredddylow Entertainment
Ronee Martin - "Ringmaster" - *sound track-Little Joe
Micheal Ward - "Continuum" - Sweet Records
Micheal Ward - "After the Kiss" - Sweet Records
Five Star - "Eclispe" - Tent Records
For Real - "It's a natural thing" - A & M Records
Before Dark - "Daydreamin" - RCA Records"bOnuS" '3rd Force' fOOtagE...LiVe @ "tHe cAtiLiNa jAzZ feStiVaL" Get your layout on
"tOuR HiStOrY"
Maxwell - "Now Tour"---3rd Force - "Driving Force Tour"-- Lou Bega - "Latin AmericanTour"--- Kenny Loggins - "Back to Avalon"--- Sheena Easton - "The Lover in Me Tour"(+)Jody Watley - "The Intimate Tour"---(+)Jody Watley - "The Affection Tour"---(+)Jody Watley - "The Flower Tour"--Philip Bailey - "The USO Tour"---(+)El DeBarge - "My Heart Belongs To You Tour"---(+)DeBarge - "The Reunion Tour"---Chris Standring - "Hip Sway Tour"---Ralph Tresvant - "Sensitivity Tour"--Chaka Khan - "The Woman I Am Tour"---Chante Moore - "Precious Tour"--Karyn White - "The Ritual of Love Tour"---Portrait - "The Portrait Tour"---Tracie Spencer - "Make the Difference Tour"---and The Temptations - "25th Anniversary Tour"--------------(+)=also served as Musical Director"nOn tOuR.......SiDe mAn SiTuaTiOnS" ***Peter White***Jeff Lorber***Vesta***Stevie Wonder***Rick Braun***Angie Stone***Dwight Sills***Lalah Hathaway***Tony Guerrero***Natalie Cole***Jamie Foxx***Howard Hewett***George Duke***Paul Jackson Jr.***Donnie McLurkin***Kenny Lattimore***Brandford Marsalis***Al Jarreau***Yvette Cason***Evelyn "Champange" King***Ollie Woodson (The Temptations)***Daniel***Brian Bromberg***Micheal Ward***Rapheal Saadiq***Cheryl Lynn***T. C. Carson*** Masthead Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!