uMmm! Lets see im 19 turned so on the 28th of July! i graduated from Chaparral with class of 04 a year early. I went to CCSN got my A.A. in Elementary Educ. I work with Tribeca tRends @ da strip. I signed with Liberty Realty and should start working with my license in January. Im 5'2 Im simple, sweet, short, spontaneous, sarcastic, straight-forwarded, sexy, smart and sincere! Im a bit old still into chilvary and im a sucker for flowers! Im not conceited i just have high standards but im real friendly! AnYtHiNg YoU wANnA kNoW....jUsT aSk m3...i WiLl T3ll yA! But always remember ItS mY lIfE yOu ShOuLdN'T CaRe wHaT i Do...iM nOt PeRfEcT....i MaKe MiStAKeS bUt Ur No OnE tO jUdGe Me!!! LMFAO but Some pEepS nEeD rEmInDiNg *sMiLeS*Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts