haircuts. platinum. crushes. kittens. cuddling. quick wit. roadtrips. casual run ins with old friends. hot hair. bellies. kisses. sneakers. cheesy hashbrowns. belt buckles. MAC. apples. sleepovers. glasses. dance parties. the ottobar. cosmopolitans. tv shows on DVD. snide remarks. lame interweb drama. umbrellas. the beach. french fries. cosmetology. being happy. sleeping in. tattoos. text messages. pictures. hangouts. the beach. chick flicks. being in love. lame parttime jobs. being poor. probably not you...
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those who are as awesome as i... new jersey residents need not apply...
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i'd also NOT like to meet any fat douchebags with bad tattoos from MAINE or FLORIDA.
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lost in translation, pi, amelie, irreversible, breakfast club, bedknobs & broomsticks, willy wonka & the chocolate factory, snatch, rebel without a cause, casablanca, requiem for a dream, love,actually, the life aquatic
dark shadows. stupid reality shows. the history channel.
less than zero. high fidelity. 1984. catch 22. working stiff.
this guy