What's Up?!
Words are blind when it comes to describing an individual. To know something, is to experience it... I can tell you how I percieve myself, but it may be quite different from what you see, and what you choose to see. I'm not quite like the others, but yet I am. I'm simply a complexity you can choose to understand. (I didn't intend to make that rhyme, lol).
I consider myself a logical individual with quite a spectrum of standards. At times I am a perfectionist, and at other times I can be consumed in disorder. Maybe that's why I chose Psychology as a major. I find the human mind fascinating. We are all walking contradictions... its rare to find those consistent with themselves. As I am fascinated by intellectual topics, I am quite the child at heart. I love cartoons, video games, and anything that can stimulate my imagination. I recently came down from my "high" of Eragon. No no, not the movie, the book. Christopher Paolini did an amazing job. Now I have to wait for the third book, but hey, it's worth it.
Well, I suppose that is all for now. Hit me up with a message, (English oder Deutsch! Es macht nichts!)but please don't waste your time with lame one liners. (Yea, I said lame...) "Ay ma, hit me up", or "hey"... And it's interesting how some of those people don't read about me's.Have a good one...and oh, if you get a chance go to my other page. I'ma an artist in the making. www.myspace.com/myoungmusique
Beautiful people...
What does your eyes say
Your noticed where ever you go. People are surprised by your presence, but they love you. Most of the time they know nothing about you, but your intriguing enough for them to want to be you.
Take this testWhat kind of person are you really?
You have plenty of quirks that separate you from the pack. Some people may see you as odd, but you love yourself, so what does it matter what others think? Keep on keeping on!
Take this testLayout made by mzmadel_ at CreateBlog.com .