Dear you,I wake up everymorning and I c u n tha pretty pink dress. Looking at it I thank god I'm blessed to have shared love with you. N know tha wonderful person that is you. U made me laugh , cry , n feel loved, like I was missing everyday before u, I know u more than I know me. I know what u like n love. N what u hate n pisses u off .I alwayz tried to treat u as well as u deserved. Giving u everything ud ever want or desire?? I've seen u cry n felt like shit bc I cudnt do anything about it.under all these cloths. This mohawk n these oakz. Is a little boy screaming at me "how can u let tha best thing that ever happend to u go?!?!" "Rylon, the unborn child," I dream about n tha cars n tha house . But only dreams right now. Tried to plan out my life at 17 and ur all I thought about, my heart,body, n soul have all left me n r by urside, where they wanna b, Glad ur happy now god knows that's all I've ever wanted. I write this fightin back tears.ur tha only one that will ever know how badd I hurt right now. Weak n dying on tha nside is how I feel hoping to wake up frm this nightmare right next to'll all work out n tha end if its meant is what I remind myself but the end isn't near u remind me. No I will nt fight for it nows nt tha time, seeing as ur soo happy :) but nobody will EVER compare to u. Enjoyed every moment we had togethr . This was tha best for u right now ...right?? Just know I still tlk bout u all tha time like ur mine when ur nt.. Ur alwayz on my mind. I find myself staring at my huge picture frame u got for me.. Thankz by tha wayy. Me holding u laughing n playing n happiness held back nside tha glass .. Memories are all tht I have right now$n nobody will ever make me forget bout them NOBODY. For u will alwayz b MY LOVE. U carry my heart everywhere with u. Its alwayz been urs!! :)Alwyaz n forever yours N my HOPE ull alwayz remain Love you till the end Ur love juan g. :)