She used to want to meet famous Architects. Forget that. She WOULD love to meet Jamie (Jamie I love you , you're such a sweetheart) and Duncan who made 1 Giant leap and bought her and Om together. She'd also love to meet Michael Moore; Michael Franti, and Michael Stipe from REM. The three tenors, that do so much good in the make a REAL difference. Bravo gentlemen Bravo. In fact Michael Franti's visit came and went a few sleeps ago, and yes - she got to meet him in person - see her blog post about HOW AWESOME MICHAEL F. IS LIVE!!). Also Joseph Campbell, Mythical analyst (but alas he's gone). Noam Chompsky to hear his beautiful delivery of the mechanics of politics, war and society, the way governments, the Elite and the media manipulate the masses of drones we call people on this planet. (Because lets face it, most of us ARE drones, slaves to the tv, slaves to our jobs, slaves to fashion and the connsummerist culture, watching bullshit meaningless shows like MTV that annialate the soul - pump it out as long as it numbs and dumbs the masses). Susan Sarandan - political activist, concerned citizen, and actor. Elki would love to meet other people concerned about the world as she is, that want to DO SOMETHING to change current circumstances. She would love to have a good chat with David Icke. To any of you who actually read this - well done.