OK, after my first page on here was inexplicably deleted by the mods, I've eventually given in and returned to grace the world with my ramblings.I'll post more when the sour taste has gone from my mouth.If I were to continue at this juncture, I'd inadvertantly fill up my entire page with anti-myspace propaganda that would invariably get my new page deleted, so I feel that refrain would be the better part of valour on this occasion.Instead, a simple word of warning to any and all fellow myspace users... don't get too attached to your pages, as they could be deleted irretrievably at any moment for no reason whatsoever.OK, I managed to mess it up and created a fanpage instead of an artist page... if u look on my friends list, there's a link to my music page (take 3).
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Depending on my mood, anything from "a live woman" to "my soulmate - a multilingual chess-playing lingerie model that supports Sunderland A.F.C. and thinks I'm the sexiest man alive"