Someone who can make me laugh and smile, a person who will look at the positive and not the negative, the factual not the fabricated, a well rounded person without emotional polarity problems, a humble person who does and says the same thing, someone into personal development and helping people.
40 Year Old Virgin
50 First Dates
Blood Sport
Dances with Wolves
Drunken Master 2
Fight Club
Finding Nemo
Forrest Gump
God of Cookery
Grandma's Boy
LEON: the Professional
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Monster's Inc.
Ong Bak
Shaolin Soccer
The Incredibles
The Simpsons MOVIE
The Secret
Way of the Dragon (Return of the Dragon)//
How I Met Your Mother
The Office//
When Dr. Ray Strand found himself in a losing battle, unable to successfully treat his wife who had suffered chronically with pain and fatigue, he agreed to try the regimen of nutritional supplements that a neighbor suggested. Much to his surprise, his wife's condition began to improve almost immediately. That amazing turn of events led him to dedicate himself to researching alternative therapies in medicine, particularly in the arena of nutritional supplements.
Dr. Strand's illumination of the body's silent enemy-oxidative stress-will astound you. But, more importantly, his research will equip you to protect or reclaim your nutritional health, possibly reversing disease and preventing illness.
Dr. Myron Wentz, Duke Tubtim