books, libraries, the Dewey Decimal system, sarcasm, pop culture, U2, Bruce Springsteen (bonus points if it involves a harmonica), romantic comedies, the Oscars, young adult literature, celebrity gossip, movie trailers, the song Thunder Road, wasting a lot of time online, traveling, younger men, being friends with your ex-boyfriends, toppling the neo-conservative movement, reading every possible article available on the NY Times online, supporting and promoting the pro-choice movement, feminism, liberalism, studying GLBTQ history and literature, smashing the patriarchy through hand symbols, Bruce Springsteen songs about running away with men, wishing I could be like Clarence Clemons (but I can't), Paul Hewson, Dave Evans, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen, Jr., books and libraries.
you, of course!
If you don't like Achtung Baby and Born to Run I probably wouldn't like hanging out with you.
Billy Wilder is a genius, The Apartment is maybe the best movie ever made. I love Woody Allen, even with his personal life, Annie Hall and Manhattan make my heart sing. There was never a third Godfather and the first two are the height of American filmmaking. I'm a major movie geek... who can appreciate When Harry Met Sally... as much as the next person. I appreciate any and everything by Billy Wilder, Woody Allen, and Martin Scorsese as they are my boyfriends forever. I also enjoy movies about gay cowboys. And movies featuring Jedis made between 1977-1983. I've never seen a movie by Brett Ratner, but I love talking shit about him, it's a little joy. And I have a special interest in films (of all kinds) directed by women.
I know waaaay more than is healthy about X Files and Buffy ... I wish they had a Law & Order channel. I wish they'd have a reunion movie for My So-Called Life (she really should have ended up with Brian) and Northern Exposure, another old-school obsession. I am currently obsessed with the brilliance and darkness of Mad Men and Don Draper, the most magnetic and fascinating lead character since Al Swearengen. I also can't say enough about the wild hilarity of 30 Rock, the best comedy since Arrested Development. Long live Jack Donaghy!! Those are my primary interests right now, besides wishing Friday Night Lights didn't suck anymore, that is.
Where to begin? Gone with the Wind, Wuthering Heights, Huckleberry Finn, Leaves of Grass, The Color Purple, High Fidelity, The Kitchen God's Wife, The Alienist, Still Life With Woodpecker, The Hours, Welcome to the Monkey House, Practical Magic, Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Bean Trees ... and a million children's/young adults novels I could never list. I read any and everything I can get my hands on. It's pretty much my obsession.
Margaret Sanger, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells Barnett, Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Walker, my mother, my grandmothers -- UPPITY women all, who refused to let history happen to them ... and my best friend, Elliot, who stands up every day and tells the truth, and in doing so changes the world.