Rayzaw... © profile picture

Rayzaw... ©

I am here for Friends and Networking

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(This is an ordinary comment box) Hi Handsome,

My Televisyen Hello people, I am Rayzaw and this is me...My name is Reza (this is where the name "Rayzaw" came from). i like music alot.. yes i do! music is my life, its in my blood and will always be this way... cant live without music. i do graphics, photography at the same time and trust me im good on it! if u want me to do some graphics for you, msg me ok? I'd be happy to help u out. if u need to hire someone for graphics or photography, im your man too.. up for all those freelance jobs. just shoot your request to my email...[email protected] and lets do some serious business shit there aight!So besides music and arts, i also love to travel and do lots of outdoor activities. Just name it... hiking, climbing, jog, swimming, backpacking, cycling, i'll do it! but lately i didn't do those things coz i got other things to do plus im short of cash for it...man i missed the hutan,the pulau, pantai and all the camping experience. nvm, it will happen again someday dats for sure. hey hook me up if u got any plans!
Umm...actually there's a lot more that i would like to type about me. I don't actually know about myself. Well if i have to say things about me i would say im just a simple guy who loves to make friends with others, my friends described me as a guy who loves to talk, joke around(yeah, some even called me a badut/clown), funny, friendly, manja, stubborn, sometimes notty, loner, good listener, honest and naive??(lurus bendul dalam bahasa inggeris amende ha..gua x tau la..main bedal jek tu). huhu..i dunno...i guess it's better if u spare your time, hangout and get to know me personally; and later tell me how i really am. Errr..i guess thats it? heck.. i don't really think you guys even read all my shit. so... i'll just stop here. :P Anyway, If u think there's still more about me that u need to know, just add me to your list and feel free to msg aight? ;)


"Disini Untukmu"

69 years old

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I am...
Status: Happy man
Here for: Anything
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Johor Bahru
Body type: Kecik2 Comel
Ethnicity: Bugis
Religion: Muslim
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Online Gamer
Income: RM390.44 Sahaja

My Blog

Dewi Malam

Dewi malamKupinta seorang wanita pada pasirDengan butirnya wajahmu terukirPergi menghamba jawab pada airDi dalamnya kurasa hangatmu mengalirKau datang dengan angin tak terasaKau datang menghembus memb...
Posted by Rayzaw... © on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:47:00 PST