not sitting by myself everyday after work till i go to sleep. PBR. meeting fellow blue collar labors... especially the female type. being awesome. making furniture and what not. porn. rolling on the floor drunk on whiskey at heavy rebel. spending money i shouldn't at bars. laughing at white power music. talking shit for fun. wolfman. picking up after my two ill-mannered puppies Clurple and Penelope. sleeping with a combined 100 pounds of dogs draped over me and refusing to move. talkin on the phone while taking a shit. hating junkies. being loud and obnoxious. finding who ran over my first dog Nightmare and saying hi to them with a baseball bat. being a first generation carpenter. needing to be carried home. redneck ass piece of white trash... even though 5 string basses aren't rock and roll. porn. fucking with bouncers, even though i am one and hate when people do it to me. going out to bars with the crew and breakin hearts. unbreakable. being an asshole to my good friends. one eying bike rides. not living up to my reputation, whatever its is or has been. cock blocking myself. full moons. cooking when i got shit to cook. cleaning when i have a reason too. leading the most rock and roll lifestyle ever.
like minded individuals... and of course my little red riding hood when she's in town
rock and fucking roll goddamnit
ive got like over 500, i dont feel like picking cause there all fucking good
all i got is broadcast
mostly non-fiction cause i like to be dorky and learn
me, i fucking rule