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The Boyfriend ♥
This is pretty much the most amazing boy I have ever met.
He's cute, funny, retarded and perfect all at the same time
[and he's not half bad in the sack]
I love this boy with all of my heart.
The Best Friend ♥
Rhiannon Shelby is the only person on the face of the planet
that actually gets me even though I try to hide from her...and I love that.
This is one of the VERY few people I actually trust in my life, and even though
she gets me madder than a morman missing church, I would be lost without her.
Communication is Key ♥
.aim. debs a zombie
.vee eff. miss debra
.elljay. paper or plastic?
Miss Debra ♥
Well...let's see...there isn't really much I can say about myself, but at the same time I'm sure there are plenty of things people would like to know about me.
I am currently involved in a serious relationship with a boy named
Sean McHendry whom I adore completely.
I just recently moved back to Alaska from Las Vegas,
it is quite a change, but I am glad to be home.
I am a pretty laid back person most of the time
and enjoy just spending time with the people I care about.
I am way way
WAY easy to get along with,
so if you ever want to start talking just send me a message or something;
I promise I'll write back and I promise I'll prove for a decent conversation.
I unfortunatley had to leave my
best friend Rhiannon Shelby behind in Vegas, and I miss her more than I think is humanly possible
<[i>even though she drives me insane.]
I am really quite fond of fashion and pretty people,
and I sometimes wonder if it is the healthiest thing to obsess over.
I miss the old days, where all I would worry about was how I was getting to Rhiannons house [or she was getting to mine]
and I couldn't give a shit less what anyone thought of me.
I am at that point in my life where I have to buckle down and become an adult, and it is the most terrifying thing I have ever gone through in my life.
I am still a little girl on the inside, and it shows constantly.
I love watching disney movies and I still sleep with a stuffed animal
[which happens to be the cutest stuffed animal on the face of the planet.]
If you want to find out who I really am as a person,
I guess the best thing to do would be talk to me, because
how much can you really learn about a person through their 'about me' section?
♥♥♥And Her Fabulous Friends ♥