first friday. so why don't i ever go? guerilla artists. why am i not out there doing it? severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches. whitewashing my fence with experimental whitewash recipes. tending my garden and searching for rough sawmill lumber. flavors and flavors. what's better than really good food? sewing, although i'm not very good. books. alternative lifestyles. reduction of consumption. avoiding commercials. formulating escapist plans. planning vacations. chalk lines. luna moths and nightcrawlers.
marriedtothesea.comimg src="
expatriats. bootleggers. anyone who can explain why men are suddenly wearing capri pants, and why that's cool. women who roll cigars on their thighs. people sans addictions. farmers of rhubarb and asparagus. magicians, alchemists and wizards. people excited about living. lovers of moss and lichens. sages, mentors and gurus. someone with a loom. tender hearts. tender feet. tough guys. strong women. blueberry eaters. cheese makers.
oh, and the person that writes the sonic commercials.
play it for me. introduce me to it. i'm really lazy about it.img src=" coffee_and_cigarettes_2002_2-refere.jpg"
Pan's Labyrinth. The Princess Bride. Matilda. Secretary. Fight Club. Donnie Darko. The Royal Tennenbaums. Team America. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The Science of Sleep. James and the Giant Peach. Sweeney Todd. Ben. Charlie. Mommy Dearest. Black Snake Moan. Raising Arizona. 1,000,000 B.C. Life of Brian. The Holy Grail. The Constant Gardener. Empire of the Sun. First in Show. Little Miss Sunshine.img src=" /Movies/The%20Princess%20Bride/WesleyandButtercup.jpg"
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His Dark Materials, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Oryx and Crake, The Illustrated Man, Saul Williams Poetry, The Illuminatus Trilogy, A Civil Action, The Neverending Story, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Geek Love, The Good Earth, all ee cummings and Pablo Neruda, The Only Good Thing Anyone has Ever Done, most Erica Jong, most Chuck Palahniuk, The Gospel According to Biff, all Tom Robbins, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Vonnegut Vonnegut Vonnegut, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Old Fairy Tales, Like Water for Chocolate, Silas Marner, Myra/Myron Breckinridge, Charles Bukowski, Your Money or Your Life, everything with words in it... really.
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