I C Teasers profile picture

I C Teasers

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Heres the "scoop"...
This renegade group of girls met when they all worked at the local ice cream parlor. They had always thought that once you grew up, and got a job, you could do anything you wanted -- stay up all night, or eat ice-cream straight out of the container. When the boss found out they were "double-dipping" he threw them out on their ruffled panties!! They went from job to job and just never seemed to be able to replace their first love... Team poet Quickshot Kitty was found wondering the street one night quoting Voltaire saying "ice cream is so exquisite, what a pity it is not illegal"!!
The other girls knew they had to act fast and fast they are... so they strapped on some roller skates, grabbed the rambling girl, and joined some gangster chics (cuz if you ever watch Sopranos you know they're all about their ice cream) and some cast out flight attendants (cuz those salty little pretzels make a good combination)!!The I C Teasers are Ice Cream Parlor Girls clad in Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate. We are deliciously vicious and dish out defeat two scoops at a time!
You know you wanna know... What ice cream flavor are you?
Wizard of Owz *Captain ~ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough *Captain
Skyler Durden *Co-Captain ~ Moosetracks
Ballyhoo ~ Chunky Monkey *Money Launderer
Cha-Cha Ching ~ Two Scoops of Vanilla coverd with Chocolate Sauce
Chicky Potcake ~ Banana Split w/Xtra Cherries
dogpile diva ~
Dolly Darton ~ Rocky Road *Merchandise Mistress
JaneSaw Massacre ~ Half Baked
Quickshot Kitty ~ Sugar Free Tin Roof Sundae *Team Manager
SupaFli ~ Cotton Candy */ Board Member/MySpace Manager
Bildo ~ Peanut Butter Cup *Coach
Nanny Slaughter ~ Cherry Bordello *Helper/I C Teasers Vet
Happy Hook-Her ~ *Helper/I C Teasers Vet
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl95SAKnJoc&eurl=http%3A% 2F%2Fprofile%2Emyspace%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ecfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dus er%2Eviewprofile%26friendid%3D107034188%26MyToken%3D3d422e21 %2D7294%2D4da9%2D912

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in Roller Derby in the ICT!Wichita Shootout, Roller Girls Gone Bad

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?  More than you ever wanted to know about ice cream ?   Toppings:The favorite topping is still chocolate syrup.The biggest ice cream sundae ever made was 12 feet high and made with 4,667 ga...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:45:00 GMT