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RIGHT is the new LEFT/WRONG.

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AbigailWilliams. AFI. Alexisonfire. Angelspit. AphexTwin. APerfectCircle. ArchEnemy. Arcturus. Arsis. AsILayDying. Atreyu. AtTheGates. AudioSlave. BasementJaxx. BettyX. BillyIdol. Bjork. BlackSabbath. BlindGuardian. Blindside. Blindspott. BobDylan. BrookeFraser. BulletForMyValentine. CanseiDeSerSexy. CaroleSamaha. CatStevens. Chevelle. Chiodos. Collide. Combichrist. ConcordDawn. Converge. Covenant. CultOfLuna. DaftPunk. DarkestHour. DarkTranquility. DeathCabForCutie. Deftones. DepecheMode. DevinTownsend. DreamTheater. DragonForce. EphelDuath. EricClapton. EvaCassidy. Evanescence. Eve6. FaithNoMore. FallOutBoy. Fantômas. FischerSpooner. FranzFerdinand. FrouFrou. FunLovinCriminals. FuneralForAFriend. GodModule. Gojira. Goldenhorse. Goldfrapp. Grendel. GrooveArmada. GwenStefani. HanzelUndGretyl. HeadAutomatica. HorrorPops. ImogenHeap. Incubus. InFlames. Interpol. Isis. Jakob. JeffBuckley. JeffersonAirplane. JimmyEatsWorld. JohnnyCash. JoséGonzáles. Kalmah. Kittie. KMDFM. LacunaCoil. Ladytron. Leftfield. LiquidTensionExperiment. LostProphets. MarilynManson. MassiveAttack. Mastadon. MindlessSelfIndulgence. MinusTheBear. Mogwai. MouseOnMars. MrBungle. Mudvayne. Muse. MyRuin. NancyAjram. Necrophagist. Nekromantix. NERD. Nightwish. NineInchNails. Nirvana. Noisia. Oceansize. OldManGloom. Opeth. Orgy. Otep. Peaches. PeepingTom. Pendulum. PlusMinus. Portishead. PsyclonNine. Puscifer. RageAgainstTheMachine. Rammstein. Refused. RiseAgainst. RussianCircles. SigurRós. Silverchair. Sirenia. SnakeRiverConspiracy. StaticX. Stefy. SystemOfaDown. TeamSleep. TearsForFears. TheBeatles. TheBirthdayMassacre. TheBlackDahliaMurder. TheCure. TheDevinTownsendBand. TheDillingerEscapePlan. TheDistillers. TheDoors. TheDresdenDolls. TheFaint. TheFallOfTroy. TheHives. TheKillers. TheKnife. TheMarsVolta. TheProdigy. TheRapture. TheWhiteStripes. TigerArmy. Tool. Tristania. Turbonegro. TurmionKätilöt. Ulver. WallsOfJericho. YeahYeahYeahs. AndMore


Amelie. AmericanBeauty. AmericanHistoryX. AVeryLongEngagement. Azumi. Azumi2. Babel. Batman. BatmanReturns. BeetleJuice. Blow. Braveheart. Brazil. BreakfastAtTiffanys. Brick. Capote. CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory. ChildrenOfMen. Chocolat. Constantine. CorpseBride. Crash. DarkCity. DawnOfTheDead. Delicatessen. DonnieBrasco. DonnieDarko. EdwardScissorHands. EdWood. Elephant. EternalSunshineOfTheSpottlessMind. eXistenZ. FightClub. FindingNeverland. FearAndLoathingInLasVegas. GhostWorld. GremlinsSeries. HarryPotterSeries. HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy. HotFuzz. InMyFathersDen. InterviewWithTheVampire. Jarhead. JawsSeries. KingKong. Kwaidan. Labyrinth. LastDays. LordOfWar. LostHighway. LostInTranslation. MarsAttacks. MeanGirls. MinorityReport. Munich. NakedLunch. NightOfTheLivingDead. NightOnEarth. NochnoiDozor. OnceUponATimeInMexico. OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest. PansLabyrinth. Pi. PiratesOfTheCaribbeanTrilogy. PrincessBlade. Psycho. PulpFiction. RearWindow. RequiemForaDream. ResidentEvil. Serenity. ShaunOfTheDead. SilentHill. SinCity. SleepyHollow. Stay. Strings. SunshineState. Syriana. TheBirds. TheBourneTrilogy. TheBreed. TheButterflyEffect. TheCityOfLostChildren. TheConstantgardener. TheExperiment. TheFifthElement. TheFly. TheGreenMile. TheIsland. TheJacket. TheLibertine. TheLifeAquatic. TheLordOfTheRingsTrilogy. TheMachinist. TheMatrix. TheNightmareBeforeChristmas. ThePianist. ThePrestige. TheRing. TheScienceOfSleep. TheShining. TheSilenceOfTheLambs. TheSixhSense. TheTerminal. TheVirginSuicides. TheWeatherMan. TheWorldsFastestIndian. 300. ToKillaMockingBird. Transformers. TremorsSeries. Troy. 12Monkeys. 25thHour. 28DaysLater. 28WeeksLater. UnderworldSeries. United93. Vertigo. VforVendetta. WalkTheLine. WhaleRider. WhatsEatingGilbertGrape. WildAtHeart. X-men. X2. AndMore.







My Blog

If you dont get over 90 I'm not your friend anymore.

Don't cheat, give it a go, and I'll score you afterwards =)(2 Points) My name:(4 Points) My last name:(4 Points) Who am I in love with:(1 Points) Where did we meet:(6 Points) Take a stab at my middle ...
Posted by pez on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 05:24:00 PST

It's QUIZ season. OH yeaaah.

How the f%@k do you know me! Body: This is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if you don't have any idea what they are and send it back to ME... but first, post a blank one out to all your fr...
Posted by pez on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:30:00 PST

Ask the music shuffle!

Ask the music shuffle! Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song titles that come up to answer each question. NO CHEATING...
Posted by pez on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:51:00 PST


              I don't know what to do.              ...
Posted by pez on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:00:00 PST

Just Do It [swish]

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. ...
Posted by pez on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:33:00 PST

MySpace, The Return of.

Ok so like...   Alex made me get MySpace agen. Hello... Be my friend? =)...
Posted by pez on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:57:00 PST


I'm over MySpace so here it ends. However Txt, Email, Telephone and Mail services are still available so Keep in touch. That includes you Matthew....
Posted by pez on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:50:00 PST

Birthday List, Bitches.

For My Birthday I Want:Amusing Txt Messages.Birthday Greetings.Hair Samples.Hand Shakes.High Fives.Home Made Cards.Hugs.Shoulder Pats.World Peace.Your Soul.Thank You And Good Day....
Posted by pez on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 07:53:00 PST


Steve Irwin - 22 February 1962 - 04 September 2006. *  *  *Like him or not he did alot of great things for animal and wildlife conservation and he did it with a passion. I look fow...
Posted by pez on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:27:00 PST

Are you there?

I realised something today: I spend alot of time just looking up.
Posted by pez on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:45:00 PST